Saturday 15 April 2023

Virgin Mary: Temporary peace in the world if dark souls convert... BOOK OF TRUTH..


Virgin Mary: Temporary peace in the world if dark souls convert

I love you child

My child, time is close, but my children must show patience. Everything is going to be according to the Holy Will of my Father.

Children, you must realize that the forces of evil in your world threaten your faith in God the Father. These evil forces will not win for they have no power over my heavenly Father. Yet they will torment their fellow brothers and sister through murder, war and control.

Pray that these dark souls see the Light of my Son soon. If they do see and convert during The Warning, then there will be a temporary peace on Earth.

My Son, Jesus Christ, Whom all souls need to rely on for salvation, is impatient to bring to mankind His great Mercy.

lasalettecryingPray hard, my children, for the salvation of these dark souls who may not survive The Warning.

These poor souls will be terrorized, not only when they witness their sins, but when they see the darkness which they are in. This darkness has clouded their souls so much that the Light of my Son’s Mercy will make them feel weak and powerless.

Many will be too weak to grasp the Mercy my Son will offer them.

Pray for these souls, I urge you. My Son is determined to save these souls first. He needs more prayer, children. You must beg for Mercy for these darkened souls.

My child, ask my children to dedicate this Crusade of Prayer to me, The Mother of Salvation:

Crusade Prayer 17 Prayer for dark souls
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Salvation and Mediatrix of all graces,
you who will participate in the salvation of humanity from the wickedness of Satan, pray for us. Mother of Salvation. Pray that all souls can be saved and will accept the Love and Mercy shown by your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Who comes once again to save humanity and to give us the chance of eternal salvation. Amen.

Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (51) For the Gift of the Holy Spirit

Oh come Holy Spirit, pour Your Gift of Love, Wisdom and Knowledge, over my humble soul.
Fill me with the Light of Truth, so that I can discern the Truth of God, from the lies spread by Satan and his angels.
Help me to grasp the torch and spread the Flame of understanding to all those I meet, through Christ, Our Lord.

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