Tuesday 21 February 2023

Demonic Possession and the sin of Hatred...BOOK OF TRUTH..


Demonic Possession and the sin of Hatred

crucifixMy dearly beloved daughter, people do not understand that I relive My Crucifixion daily. The pain and suffering I endure is caused by the sins committed by people every second of the day. I endure moments of deep sorrow when I see those souls who offend Me greatly, through the sin of hatred.

Hatred is instilled in the hearts of many and comes about due to the infestation of Satan. Many people talk about demonic possession as if it is easy to identify. So many of My children are possessed by Satan. They do not have to be seen thrashing about for a demonic presence to be in place.

He, the enemy of mankind, uses his demons to attack My children. For those who are in darkness they become easy prey because they attract the evil presence.

Once possessed, children, it is very difficult to drag yourself away. These unfortunate children, will, through the cunning and manipulative infestation of the evil one, then infect other souls. And so it continues.

james4-7Evil is usually presented as being good. It will be hard to discern, except for this. The behaviour and deeds of an infested soul will never be humble in nature. They will never be generous of heart. They may seem generous, but there will always be a catch. This catch will always be about making demands on you, which do not sit comfortably.

Keep away from such souls. Pray for them. Do not allow them to suck you into sin. Be alert always to the deceiver, because he is everywhere in these times.

Always pray to keep such evil at bay. Prayer will weaken his grasp and his strength as well as protect you.

Think of Satan and his evil works as an infectious disease.

Take every precaution to avoid coming into contact with those who carry the disease. benedict-medalShould you know that you have no choice, then arm yourself with Holy Water, the blessed crucifix and a Saint Benedictine medal. They will keep these demons at arm’s length.

These are the times, children, you must surround yourself and your home with objects, which are blessed. Many are embarrassed to be seen with such things, for fear they will be laughed at. These will offer you protection in your home and are a great comfort during prayer.

Remember the demon lives not just in Hell, but has now firmly established his reign on Earth. Prayer is the only thing that terrifies him and renders him impotent.

Prayer will sustain you, children, in the times ahead.

Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ.

Litany Prayer (2) For the Grace of Immunity

O Heavenly Father Most High,
I love You.
I honour You.
Lord Have Mercy.
Lord forgive us our trespasses.
I adore You.
I praise You.
I give You thanks for all Your special Graces.
I beg You for the Grace of Immunity for my beloved
(name all those in a list for the salvation of souls)
I offer You my loyalty at all times.
You O Most Heavenly Father,
Creator of all things,
Creator of the Universe,
Creator of humanity,
You are the source of all things.
You are the source of Love.
You are Love.
I love You.
I honour You.
I lay myself before You.
I beg for Mercy for all souls who don’t know You, who don’t honour You, who reject Your Hand of Mercy.
I give myself to You in mind, body and soul so that You can take them into Your Arms, safe from evil.
I ask You to open the Gate of Paradise so that all Your children can unite, at last, in the inheritance you have created for all of us.

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