Monday 22 August 2022

I Am Present in the Eucharist despite the misinterpretation of My Promise... BOOK OF TRUTH..


I Am Present in the Eucharist despite the misinterpretation of My Promise

holyeucharistMy dearly beloved daughter, do not worry. You are improving in the way you are setting time aside in prayer to Me. Now it is important that man understands that in order to come closer to My Heart, he must understand the need to receive the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Many people, including other Christian groups, deny My Real Presence in the Eucharist. Why they have decided to deny the promises I made at My Last Supper, where I promised I would give My Flesh and Blood as Food and Nourishment for your souls, is unclear.

What is clear is that the Miracle of the Holy Eucharist, Present in all Tabernacles all over the world, Exists today, and is there to fill your poor, undernourished and empty souls with My PresenceThis Presence will strengthen you in ways, that, were you to miss receiving Me once you get used to this, you will feel lost.

Many Christians ignore one of the most fundamental promises I made during My Crucifixion, where I would be Present in Bread and Wine and leave a permanent mark to help nourish souls. Too much human reasoning has meant that I have been rejected by even well meaning Christians. These same Christians cannot receive the Holy Eucharist in its True Form. The Most Holy Eucharist was given to you all as a great Gift for your redemption and salvation. By rejecting the fact that I Am Present, means that you are forfeiting special graces, which are part of a pact to bring Me even closer into your hearts. Remember, when I died for you, it was to lead you to towards eternal life and salvation.

Receive Me as the Living Presence and your souls will alight in ways you would not have believed possible. Turn back to receiving My Body and Blood. Let Me remove your doubts. This is one of the biggest mistakes Christians have made, by denying Me entry to their souls in this way. It greatly offends My Eternal Father because of the Sacrifice involved to save your souls. Let Me bring Light and nourishment into your lives. You will be more inclined to accept the Truth of My Teaching after The Warning takes place.

Remember what I promised during My Last Supper that when you take the bread and wine it will become for you My Body and My Blood.* Any other interpretation has been distorted by human logic and reasoning. Now understand and accept the Truth.

Your loving Saviour, Jesus Christ

Crusade Prayer (167) Protect my family

O God, my Eternal Father, through the grace of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, please protect my family, at all times, from evil.
Give us the strength to rise above evil intent and to remain unified in our love for You and one another.
Sustain us through every trial and suffering we may endure and keep alive the love we have for each other so that we are in union with Jesus.
Bless our families and give us the Gift of Love, even in times of strife.
Strengthen our love, so that we may share the joy of our family with others so that Your Love may be shared with the whole world. Amen.

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