Saturday 22 January 2022

Your faith will be tested like never before


Your faith will be tested like never before

Jesus-Christ-3109My dearly beloved daughter, the love, which radiates from My disciples who follow Me at this time, is all encompassing. It is the Light, which is aflame amidst you that is sustaining My Love, which is felt everywhere I Am revered.

The Holy Spirit continues to be poured down upon My Church on Earth, as it struggles against the trials and tribulations, which face it every day. 

The spirit of darkness, however, continues to weigh heavily upon nations, as every effort is made by the agents of the evil one to drive out every trace of Me, My Word and My True Church, from the face of the Earth. Be assured, no matter how heavy your burden is, that I Am with you, walking beside you and helping you to overcome adversity, every step of your journey.

Your faith will be tested like never before; your courage may leave you from time to time; your perseverance tested to its limits and your acceptance of the Truth challenged. You will be picked on; scoffed at and sneered at, all of which will be caused by the wicked acts of those who Satan uses to fight Me, Jesus Christ. But nothing will destroy My Church – My true followers. 

Those who remain obedient to the Word of God, as it has existed for so long, will continue to represent Me on Earth. My Protection will cover you like an invisible sheath and your faith will never diminish once you fight with the Sword of God. 

Remain true to Me and My Light will continue to shine upon the human race. My Promise is that My Church will remain intact, although smaller than it is now, until the Great Day of the Lord dawns. 

Your Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (134) To believe in the Existence of God

For those who do not know my Son and who wish to be taken before the Throne of God, the Most High, recite this prayer:
O God the Most High, help me to believe in Your Existence. Cast all of my doubts aside. Open my eyes to the Truth of the life after this one and guide me towards the way to Eternal Life. Please let me feel Your Presence and grant me the Gift of true faith before the day I die. Amen.

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