Tuesday 9 February 2016

Last Message for the Volume “The Warning”

My dearly beloved daughter, you are trying hard to obey My instructions to sanctify your soul and this is greatly pleasing to Me. Please give Me one full hour of your day in silence with Me and let Me draw you closer to My Sacred Heart. You will feel much stronger when you do this. Start from today to spend this time in My Company so that I can enlighten your heart and ease your load.
Today I wish to unveil to you, My wish for mankind to start evaluating their lives in preparation for The Warning. My daughter those of you who fail to prepare, need prayer and much of it.
The Warning, the Great Gift, will now be presented to the world. All will be given the opportunity to savour the joy when they will finally realise the Truth, the Truth of My Existence. Pray for everyone, My child, that they will have the courage to seek My Forgiveness.
At last, My daughter, My children everywhere are beginning to open their eyes. They are now realising that the world is changing. The world as they once knew it has shifted into a new phase. This new phase will lead to a number of stages before they, My children, will finally be ready for the New Paradise.
The parasites of the deceiver will fight stubbornly to the bitter end, unfortunately. Pray for those poor, delusional souls now, that a spark of light will flood their hearts when they come into contact with My devout followers. You, My followers, are being given the graces to help convert all those souls, lost in the wilderness and a confused state, caused in their souls by Satan.
Prophecies –  La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal, now unfold
All of the prophecies given to the blessed visionaries at La Salette, Fatima and Garabandal, will now unfold for all to see. For all the thousands of believers who know and accept these prophecies, know that now, I your Saviour, call on you all to pray for the souls of all mankind. Open your hearts once more to these new Messages – the last prophesies of their kind to be bestowed on all of My children, before I come back to Judge.
Call on all Ministers of the Churches
I call to My sacred servants of all denominations who honour My Eternal Father, to listen now. Do not allow the deceiver, through his false prophet, to deceive you into believing the lie that will be perpetrated in his name, shortly. This will be a very difficult time for those of you who love Me, because you will be very confused.
The false prophet and the antichrist
Just watch with clear eyes, the false prophet, who will attempt to lead My Church, for he does not come from the House of My Eternal Father. He will seem like he does. But this will be false. Watch too, for the friendship he will display with the antichrist, for they will be two of the most deceitful followers of Satan – dressed in sheep’s clothing. They will have powers, which will seem like the miracles of old, but these powers will be satanic.
You must keep in grace at all times in order to defend your Faith. Pray for My holy servants, who, lukewarm in their faith, will be drawn into the arms of the deceiver. He will appeal to them because he will offer excitement, passion, so-called love, which will be ego-driven, and his charismatic appearance will be difficult to resist. Go down this path, My sacred servants, and you will be lost to Me forever.
You may ask: Why should these events present such difficulties? You will then wonder why I allow these things to happen. Surely Jesus, in His Mercy, would not present such obstacles? Well, I must permit them, because it will be through these challenges that the final battle between My Eternal Father and the evil one can take place. Without a final confrontation, he, Satan, cannot be thrown, finally, into the abyss of Eternal Hell.
Be alert to this deceit. Do not allow your souls to be lost in this way. Pray, pray, pray for the graces of discernment so that you may see this false prophet for what he truly is.
A demon sent to distract you, from the depths of Hell. Be thankful that you are his targets. Because of your allegiance to Me, you will be put to the ultimate test, the test of your faith. Never again will you have to face such a test.
So be prepared. Turn to Me all of you, My sacred servants, now, before it is too late.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Here is the first Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (1) Protection against the False Prophet

Dearest Jesus save us from the deceit of the False Prophet.
Jesus have Mercy on us.
Jesus save us from the persecution.
Jesus preserve us from the antichrist.
Lord have Mercy.
Christ have Mercy.
Dearest Jesus, cover us with Your Precious Blood.
Dearest Jesus, open our eyes to the lies of the False Prophet.
Dearest Jesus unite Your Church.
Jesus protect our Sacraments.
Jesus don’t let the False Prophet divide Your Church.
Dearest Jesus help us to reject lies presented to us as the truth.
Jesus give us strength.
Jesus give us hope.
Jesus flood our souls with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus protect us from the Beast.
Jesus give us the gift of discernment so we can follow
the path of Your True Church at all times forever and ever. Amen.

Crusade Prayer (88) for souls after The Warning

“O Sacred Heart of Jesus, show Mercy to all of us poor sinners.
Enlighten those hearts of stone, so desperate in their quest for guidance.
Forgive them their iniquities.
Help them, through Your Love and Mercy, to find it in their hearts to grasp Your great Gift of Redemption.
I implore You to forgive all souls who reject the Truth of God.
Cover them with Your Light, dear Jesus, so that it will blind them to the wickedness and snares of the devil, who will try to cut them off from You, for eternity.
I beg You to give all God’s children the strength to be thankful for Your Great Mercy.
I ask that You open the Door to Your Kingdom to all lost souls who wander the earth in a state of helplessness and hopelessness. Amen.”

Choose people you know and come before My Father's Throne to save them

My dearly beloved daughter, My Heart is heaving with sorrow as I look at My precious children, who are oblivious to the changes which lie ahead.
I love them so much that I cry with a deep sadness when I see them wander around seeking Me out, but unable to do so. They know that there is a missing link in their lives, but cannot identify what it is. That link is love. I Am Love. I Am what they are looking for, but they don’t know where to look. Yet, I Am standing there waiting and waiting patiently for them to turn to Me.
So much time is being wasted, My daughter. My children look in all the wrong places, seeking out the contentment and peace that they crave. But they won’t be able to find this unless they acknowledge it will only be through humility that they will find this possible.
Until My children realize they cannot exist without love for My Father, God the Most High, they will die empty of love and peace in their hearts. I Am weary, My daughter. If only those who have shut Me out would turn to Me. If only they stopped their quest for power, money and glory, from earthly possessions then they would know the Truth.
I need all of you, My followers, to keep praying for the blind souls who are lost. Never give up, for your prayers will be brought before the Throne of My Father. Please recite the following:
“God the Most High, I come before Your Throne this week, to plead for the souls of my brothers and sisters who refuse to acknowledge Your Existence. I urge You to fill them with Your graces so that they will open their hearts to listen to Your Most Holy Word.”
Please choose those souls who are known to you and who do not want to know God The Father, and place their names before My Father. Your gift of prayer will be rewarded with their salvation. Go now, My army, and prepare for the next stage in this spiritual warfare against the evil one.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

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