Sunday 19 July 2015

 I died for you. Because of this you must trust Me now
December 19, 2012 Latest Messages
My dearly beloved daughter, I must warn you that criticism will mount against you and My Word, given to you at this time.
You must not allow distractions or doubts to stop you from imparting every single Word I give you. Man must never doubt the prophecies handed down since the day of Moses. Not one prophecy contains untruths.
Now as I reveal to the world the secrets and My plans for humanity, kept from you, up to now, do not turn away. For I present to you now many things still to come, which you, My disciples, must be informed of, so that you do not fail to prepare for My Glorious Return.
Let no one deny themselves the gift I bring of eternal life. Those amongst you, fortunate to enter the New Era when Heaven and Earth will become one, must follow the Path of Truth.
Now is the time for your faith in Me, your Saviour, to be truly challenged and tested. You will soon be bullied into rejecting My Messages. Every effort will be made to force you to reject My Word and to declare the Truth to be heresy.
Turn your minds now to My Birth. To the Teachings I gave humanity so that they could learn how to prepare their souls. To the Sacrifice made by My Death on the Cross to salvage souls.
I died for you. Because of this you must trust Me now.
I Am the Light, which shines down upon the path you must walk. On either side of this path, evil spirits will pull at you, torment you, try to get you to walk back the same way you came and into the darkness. They will do this through the taunts of others who will pull you apart because of your loyalty to these Messages.
You must stay in silent meditation, read My Word and feel My Presence. Allow My Holy Spirit to calm your heart and feel My Love envelop you. As your pain intensifies, because of this Mission, know that you are in full union with Me, your Jesus.
Never give up. Do not reject My Hand of Mercy. Allow Me to embrace you in order to give you the courage needed to continue on this journey with Me until the day I come to reward you.
Your beloved Jesus.

Crusade Prayer (169) For the salvation of those who reject Christ

October 7, 2014 Crusade of Prayer

Dearest Jesus, by Your Compassion and Mercy,
I beg you for the salvation of those who have rejected You;
Who deny Your Existence;
Who deliberately oppose Your Holy Word and whose bitter hearts have poisoned their souls against the Light and the Truth of Your Divinity.
Have Mercy on all sinners.
Forgive those who blaspheme against the Holy Trinity and
Help me, in my own way, and through my personal sacrifices, to embrace within Your Loving Arms, those sinners who need Your Mercy the most.
I give You my promise, that through my thoughts, my actions and the spoken word, to serve You as best I can in Your Mission of Salvation.

Your Jesus..

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