Thursday 25 April 2024

Despite My Divinity, I feel sickened by and disgusted with the sins of man.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


Despite My Divinity, I feel sickened by and disgusted with the sins of man

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for preparation for The Warning is short. This is a time when, no matter how painful the persecution is, you must ignore everything except My Holy Word.

As the preparations begin, let no one stop you, My beloved followers, as you prepare your souls and pray for those who will die in mortal sin during The Warning.

You, My followers and My sacred servants, will endure, now, the pain I feel, as I look down upon wretched sinners. Despite My Divinity, I feel sickened by, and disgusted with, the sins of man, as they are paraded before My Eyes.

Their arrogance, the insolence and the pride, demonstrated by these sinners, emulate, exactly, the traits of Satan and his demons. These same evil spirits have devoured the souls of God’s children, so that they no longer seem like the children they once were, when they took their first breath.

So stuffed with pride, and convinced of their own invincibility, are they, that they are no longer capable of allowing the Spirit of God to touch their souls. This is why they need your prayers.

I bless you with the Grace to save these souls and you must, for My sake, help Me to help them.

Not content in satisfying his own lusts to feed his bodily desires, man then feels he must interfere with My Creation. He then takes steps where he tries, not only to emulate the Power of God, when it comes to the Creation of human life and the taking of human life, he thinks he has the power to replace the Existence of God. He believes now in his own divinity, which is nothing but a lie placed within his soul by Satan, to whom he has pledged his allegiance.

These steps, which man now takes, go beyond the boundaries permitted by God. Now that the Churches of God are to be besieged by the spirit of evil, from enemies and imposters, the punishment will finally descend upon the earth.

My Father’s Power will be witnessed and His punishment will be severe. It will shock even the most arrogant sinner, who will be in no doubt whose Hand has fallen upon the earth. My Father will do this in order to rid the earth of wickedness, while enabling, at the same time, the growth of His army of loyal followers who will help in the salvation of souls.

Sin has damaged the earth you walk on and it can be seen in disease, pollution and the corruption among your governments. The stain of sin covers the world, so that it has become a disgusting and vile thing in the Eyes of My Father. He, who created the world as a place where He could nurture His family, is heartbroken.

My Father is also angry and the scales of justice have now tipped. His punishment cannot be stopped where it has become necessary.

Help your brothers and sisters, especially those who have created laws which interfere with those created by God, the Most High.

You must do this through the Crusade Prayers. Be strong. Be brave. Be hopeful and fear nothing, if you love Me.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (75) I assign My Pain to You dear Jesus

Jesus I assign my pain and suffering to that which You suffered during Your Agony on Calvary.
For every insult I endure, I offer it to You.
For every abuse and verbal onslaught I suffer, I offer it in honour of Your Crowning of Thorns.
For every unfair criticism of me, I offer it in honour of Your humiliation in front of Pilate.
For every physical torment I endure at the hands of others, I offer it in honour of Your Scourging at the Pillar.
For every insult I endure, I offer it up in honour of the terrible physical torture You endured during the Crowning of Thorns when they tore out Your Eye.
For every time I imitate You, impart Your Teachings and when I am sneered at in Your Name, let me help You on the road to Calvary.
Help me to be rid of pride and never to be afraid to admit that I love You dear Jesus. Then when all seems hopeless in my life dear Jesus help me to be brave by remembering how You willingly allowed Yourself to be Crucified in such a vile and cruel way.
Help me to stand up and be counted as a true Christian, a true soldier in Your army, humble and contrite in my heart, in remembrance of the Sacrifice You made for me.
Hold my hand dear Jesus and show me how my own suffering can inspire others to join Your army with like-minded souls who love You.
Help me to accept suffering and to offer it up to You as a gift to save souls in the final battle against the tyranny of the evil one.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Ignore questions or demands made of you to change My Words.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


Ignore questions or demands made of you to change My Words

My dearly beloved daughter, you must never forget Who your Master is. When you are being dragged in every direction, and when My disciples place enormous loads upon your shoulders, you must resist. Place yourself in My Holy Hands, remain alone and ask Me to handle everything.

You must only respond to My Voice. Any other voice, which commands you to do My Holy Work, according to their ways, their interpretations, must be ignored.

Many, who follow this Mission, must understand that My Holy Word may not be scrutinised, changed or adapted to suit others. My Word is Sacred. Accept what I say, in faith, and be content. Trying to find hidden meanings, sensation, or seek fortune-telling, is offensive to Me.

Learn to listen to My Voice. Let it touch your soul and be thankful that I give you this Gift of My intimate Teachings and desires. I do this out of compassion for you and because I love you. To question and demand that I give you the answers you want to hear is insulting to Me.

My daughter, please ignore questions or demands made of you to change My Words or the meaning of what I say to you. You do not, as I have told you before, have the authority to do so. Even when those devious souls plant difficult questions, to which you do not have the answer, remain silent.

To those of you who continue to try and trip Me up, by challenging and criticising My Holy Word, know that you are but a poor weak sinner. It is not that you ask questions for the good of your soul, which I find displeasing. It is your refusal to accept that I, Jesus Christ, could ever communicate to the world as I do now.

If you take My Word and twist it to suit  your way it will become meaningless. If you then tear it apart, in order to defy this, My Holy Mission to save this last generation, then you will be thrown to one side.

My plan is powerful now as I lead humanity quickly onwards along the Path of Truth. Those who wander and stray will be left behind. There is only so much time left to save each of you. Why do you waste it? Every minute is precious.

Allow Me the chance to lead you, teach you and salvage you. Obedience to Me, your Jesus, is required if I Am to help you. You can only obey Me when you surrender your will to Me. When you do this, confusion will no longer be present in your soul.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (74) For Gift of Discernment

O Mother of God, help me to prepare my soul for the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Take me as a child, by the hand, and lead me on the road towards the gift of discernment through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Open my heart and teach me to surrender in body, mind and soul. Rid me of the sin of pride and pray that I will be forgiven for all past sins so that my soul is purified and that I am made whole so that I can receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
I thank you, Mother of Salvation, for your intercession, and I await with love in my heart for this Gift for which I yearn with joy.

Tuesday 23 April 2024


Ave Maria! Dear Prayer Warrior,
You are invited to attend a Jesus to Mankind Global Crusade of Prayer for Submission to the Holy Will of God and for the Gifts of Love, Humility and Discernment on May 11th, 2024 Saturday at 9:00pm Singapore Time (GMT+7), 2:00pm London Time (GMT), 9:00am NY Time (GMT -5).
Webinar ID 854 4044 8088 Registration link
Come and join us to pray for the Gifts of Love, Humility and Discernment in our daily lives in order to help Jesus in this final Mission for the Salvation of Souls.
“The speed by which the Holy Spirit spreads is beyond the understanding of mortal man. And, as the Paraclete, through the Power of God, engulfs the souls of all those with humility in their hearts, the spirit of evil will follow, everywhere it is Present.” (Your Jesus, February 8, 2015)
“Man, on his own, can never give Me such a gift unless he allows My Holy Spirit to reside within him. Only then, can he rise to the perfection, which will transform him, so that his heart and soul become entwined with Me. I can then, through My Divinity, create great miracles in that soul who, having trusted in Me completely, will still retain his God-given right – that of his free will.” (Your Jesus, August 25, 2014)
This Global Retreat will be in English with Live Translations in German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Chinese, Polish, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Italian and Albanian. Invite all of your friends & family to come to join us.
Jesus, we trust in You!
JTM Global



The plan to destroy the Catholic Church, from within its own ranks, is already underway..BOOK OF TRUTH..


The plan to destroy the Catholic Church, from within its own ranks, is already underway

My dearly beloved daughter, this is the time for the next phase in My Plan to prepare the world for the New Era, the New Paradise, the Kingdom, promised by Me, the Son of Man.

My army must now gather and link as one in prayer, for the battle for souls has now intensified. The plans by the evil group, on a global scale, to legitimise wars, murder through euthanasia and abortion, is gathering momentum.

The plan to destroy the Catholic Church from within its own ranks is already underway. Those souls in positions of power, and especially those within Christian Churches, who condone sin and try to legislate for it, know this.  You will suffer terribly. The Hand of My Father will intervene and destroy your plan.

For every man and woman who tries to bring in laws against the Will of God, they will face a terrible chastisement. Not only will they be struck down, their own nations will also be chastised.

Enough has been endured by My Father. He will no longer tolerate such interference in His Creation. The earth will be shaken and not one man will fail to notice.

What wickedness there is. And what cunning is in place, where terrible abominations are being introduced by humanity, which insult God. By these acts, man will have to face the Wrath of My Father. Prayer, and much of it, can halt this wickedness. And it is because of your prayers that the Divine Interventions, to punish mankind, have been delayed. Now those nations, whose rulers are driven by the spirit of evil, will be wiped out.

My beloved followers, you will suffer greatly as you witness the acts of disobedience against the Laws of God.  You must keep praying in order to mitigate the punishments by My Father.

Now, you must set up as many prayer groups for My Crusade of Prayers as possible in every nation. By doing this you will allay the work of the evil group.

My patience is never ending, but man will be punished, before My Second Coming, for his wicked deeds. This punishment has been delayed for some time, but My Father will permit ecological upheavals, in order to purify souls.

Here is an important Litany to help mitigate the punishment by My Father.

Litany Prayer (4) to mitigate punishment by God the Father

O God the Most High.

We beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children.

We thank You for the Gift of the earth.

We thank You for the Gift of human life.

We treasure the Gift of life.

We uphold the Gift of life.

We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

We thank You for the Gift of Redemption.

We praise Your Divinity.

We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven.

We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience.

We thank You for the promise of eternal life.

We welcome the New Paradise.

We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.

We thank You for the Love you show all Your children.

We thank You for the Gift of prophecy.

We thank You for the Gift of prayer.

We ask You to grant us peace and salvation. Amen.

My daughter, this Mission will become even more difficult, as the hatred of man against man intensifies and divides.

God’s loyal disciples will be tempted to give in to the sins, which will be disguised as the laws of tolerance. You must resist every attempt to turn your back on the Truth of My Teachings. When you leave all your trials in My Holy Hands, you will find this Mission to save souls, much easier.

Your Jesus

Saturday, January 12, 2013 15:10 hours

Crusade Prayer (73) Pray for Young souls, Young Children

Oh Jesus help me to save the souls of young people all over the world.
By Your grace help them to see the truth of Your existence.
Bring them to Your Sacred heart and open their eyes to Your Love and Mercy.
Save them from the fires of Hell and through my prayers have Mercy on their souls.

Monday 22 April 2024

I now grant them the Grace of the Tears of Love and Conversion.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


I now grant them the Grace of the Tears of Love and Conversion

My dearly beloved daughter, please hear Me and listen as I reveal My Pain. My Head, covered with thorns, is being crushed painfully, as I endure the pain of My Crucifixion, two thousand years after My Time on earth.

The Time for My Second Coming is very close. Let no man doubt My Promise to come again. Let no man doubt that it can be at any time. Prepare your souls, for the time is close. Far better, that you concentrate on the state of your souls, than on the state of your future prosperity.

The pain of thorns is now being felt by leaders in the Catholic and Christian Churches. They suffer, so, as they are being force-fed doctrines, dictated to them by political leaders, which pour forth from the mouth of the beast.

To all those who attack My Word, through these Messages, I must warn you that the battle between God and Satan, at the end time, is now. May My Father pardon you for your misdemeanours. May He pour down His Mercy on your misguided and wayward ways, all of which, condone sin.

The pain of the Crown of Thorns, which are being pressed down, in agony, upon My Christian Churches on earth, is being replicated, at this time, as foretold. The pain of rejection – the rejection of My Word, My Existence and My Teachings – is being felt, not only by Me, but by all of those poor souls who honour Me, who proclaim My Holy Word and who love Me.

My Heart is entwined with them in love and suffering. They will know this, immediately, for I now grant them the Grace of the Tears of Love and Conversion, when they recite this Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (93) For the Tears of Conversion

O My beloved Jesus, You are close to my heart.

I am one with You.

I love You.

I cherish You.

Let me feel Your Love.

Let me feel Your Pain.

Let me feel Your Presence.

Grant me the Grace of humility so that I am made worthy of Your Kingdom on earth, as it is in Heaven.

Grant me the Tears of Conversion so that I can truly offer myself to You as a true disciple to help You in Your Mission to save every single soul on earth, before You come again to judge the living and the dead.


Go My beloved followers. I promise that I will grant you the Grace of the Tears of Conversion so that you will truly become united within My Sacred Heart when you recite this prayer.

My Heart embraces you, My cherished and loyal disciples. I love you. I Am with you now, in a way, which you will find hard to deny.

Your beloved Jesus

Crusade Prayer (72) The Disciple’s Prayer

Dear Jesus I am ready to spread your Holy Word. Give me the courage, the strength and the knowledge to impart the Truth so that as many souls as possible can be brought to You.
Take me into your Sacred Heart and cover me with your Precious Blood, so that I am filled with the graces to spread conversion for the salvation of all of God’s children in every part of the world no matter what their creed is.
I trust in you always. Your beloved disciple.

Sunday 21 April 2024

When you take away the Truth, or tamper with it, it is no longer the Truth. All that is left is a shell.. BOOK OF TRUTH.


When you take away the Truth, or tamper with it, it is no longer the Truth. All that is left is a shell

My dearly beloved daughter, how familiar I Am, through the tongues of man, every single day, and yet, I Am so far away from them.

Many, instinctively, call out My Name aloud, in moments of expression, without actually realising how they use My Name. Not only Am I not revered; no respect of any kind is shown to Me. My Name is used to curse others, at times of great friction. How this hurts and shocks Me; that I Am used in this way.

Many use My Name in daily conversation, but not in a way, which addresses My Role as the Saviour of the human race.

How I wish that I could call upon those atheists and agnostics, so that they could listen to how they use My Name, in their daily conversations. If it is a habit, then why don’t you use another form of expression? Why do you include Me, if you do not accept Me? Why do you use Me as a form of blasphemy, when you do not believe I Exist?

So many people dismiss Me as not being important in their lives. I Am pushed to one side as if I Am of no consequence.

Many souls, who do believe in Me, do not practise their faith. As such, they fail to prepare their souls. So many do not know when they will be taken from this earth and into the next life and have made a terrible mistake. For, they are not fit to enter My Kingdom.

The day when souls find themselves divided into two groups, the Truth of the future will finally be revealed to them. Woe to the man who has not prepared for this great day and who wasted the time accorded to him on earth.

To the others who have refused to listen to the Truth and who publicly demeaned and rejected Me, their terror will be impossible to describe. There will be weeping, hysteria and shock witnessed on that day, as these souls see that the path they chose led them only into the fires of the abyss.

This is the time of spiritual renewal for souls who have been blessed with the Gift to see how the prophecies of old are now taking place in the world as foretold.

I look at the world and I see terrible confusion, as people are being sucked into lies about how the world was created – these lies, which are designed to turn people away from the Truth.

I see good people being told to reject their understanding of My Teachings and to throw them aside in favour of accepting Sin. Then they are encouraged to applaud sin until they convince themselves that I, Jesus Christ, will turn a blind eye.

The Truth of My Teachings lies at the very kernel of Christianity. When you take away the Truth, or tamper with it, it is no longer the Truth. All that is left is a shell.

It is time to discern whether or not you are prepared to allow yourselves to be deceived by modern new age spiritualism, or to stand firm and defend the Holy Word of God. It may not seem to matter to you now, but when the day comes, when I come to Judge, only the Truth will be acceptable in My Kingdom.

When you accept lies, you are not being honest. You are not being truthful. Therefore, you will not receive Graces.  You will be like an empty vessel, which sails in the seas, boasting of a cargo, which exists only in your minds. It will be of no use to anyone, this false sense of security. It will not give you access to the keys of My New Paradise.

Pray every day, as if tomorrow is your last day, because you do not know the time of My Second Coming. It will happen unexpectedly. When that day dawns, there will be little time to turn back.  You will either accept Me, and My Promise to bring you into My Kingdom, or you will be sent to the place from which there is no return.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (71) Prayer to save us from the persecution

Oh Jesus, save God’s children from the antichrist.
Protect us from the plans to control the earth.
Lord, save us from the persecution. Protect dark souls from the antichrist so that they can be redeemed in Your Eyes.
Help us in our weakness. Strengthen us in spirit to rise and lead each other as we march in Your army to the Gates of Paradise.
I need You Dear Jesus. I love You Dear Jesus.
I glorify Your Presence on earth. I shun the darkness.
I adore You and I surrender myself in body and spirit so that You can reveal to me the Truth of Your Presence so that I will always trust in Your Mercy at all times.