She has also decided she will no longer answer the numerous emails which demand she answer detailed theological queries or respond to questions which present biblical quotes/challenges designed to engage her in a two way debate.
She wishes it to be known that she is not qualified to enter into such dialogue and has been instructed by Jesus NOT to defend these messages ever again. As such these emails will not be replied to.
She does not wish to offend anyone but asks that she be allowed to continue with her mission of complete obedience according to the wishes of God the Father, his beloved Son Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother.
Crusade of Prayer (11) Stop hatred of visionaries
“O Sacred Heart of Jesus, please stop the hatred and jealousy, which exists amongst Your followers, towards Your true visionaries in these times.
I pray that You will hear my prayer to give Your visionaries the strength they need to proclaim Your Most Holy Word to a disbelieving world. Amen.”
Crusade of Prayer (10) Carrying the flame of Your Love
“Help us, dear Jesus, to rise fearlessly in Your Name and to carry the Flame of Your Love across all nations.
Give us, Your children, the strength to face the abuse we will be faced with among all those who are not true believers in Your Mercy. Amen.”
Crusade of Prayer (9) Offer of Suffering as a gift
“O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, teach me to accept insults, in Your Holy Name, when I proclaim Your Word with humble thanksgiving.
Teach me to understand how humiliation, pain, and suffering, bring me closer to Your Sacred Heart.
Allow me to accept such trials with love and generosity of spirit, so that I may present them as the Gifts so precious to You, in order to save souls. Amen.”
Croisade de Prières (9) Offre la Souffrance tel un cadeau
lundi 28 novembre 2011 à 20h30
O très Sacré Coeur de Jésus
Enseignez moi à accepter les insultes en votre Saint Nom quand je proclame votre parole avec une humble action de graces.
Enseignez moi à comprendre comment la douleur de l’humiliation et la souffrance me rapprochent plus près de Votre Sacré Coeur
Permettez moi l’acceptation de ces épreuves avec l’ amour et la générosité de l’esprit de façon à ce que je puisse les présenter comme de précieux cadeaux à vous et ce pour le salut des ames.
Daily Messages
Maria Divine Mercy would like to make it clear that while she receives daily messages and uploads the majority of them there are a number which are not for publication. This is why there are days and gaps where no message is uploaded. We hope this answers people’s queries.
Croisade de Prières ( 8 ) La Confession
Croisade de Prières ( 8 ) La Confession
Je suis Jésus, votre Roi et Sauveur et je vous présente maintenant ma prière pour la confession.
Cette prière devra etre dite pour plaider la clémence pour le pardon des péchés, pendant et après l’Avertissement.
“Très Cher Jésus Je vous demande pardon pour tous mes péchés et pour le mal et les blessures que j’ai causé aux autres.
Je prie humblement pour les graces, pour éviter de vous offenser encore et pour offrir des pénitences selon votre sainte volonté.
Je plaide pour le pardon des futurs offenses dans lesquelles je pourrais prendre part et qui vous causeront douleur et souffrance.
Prenez moi avec vous dans cette nouvelle ère de Paix afin que je puisse devenir un membre à part de votre famille pour l’éternité.
Je vous aime Jésus.
J’ai besoin de vous.
Je vous honore vous ainsi que tout ce que vous représentez.
Aider moi Jésus pour que je mérite l’entrée dans votre Royaume.”
Votre Sauveur
Jésus Christ
Crusade of Prayer (8) The Confession
I, Jesus your King and Saviour now present My prayer for confession.
This prayer should be said to plead for clemency for the forgiveness of sin during and after The Warning.
“Dearest Jesus, I ask Your pardon for all my sins and for the hurt and injury I have caused to others.
I humbly pray for the graces to avoid offending You again and to offer penance according to Your Most Holy Will.
I plead for the forgiveness of any future offense, which I may partake in and which will cause You pain and suffering.
Take me with You into the New Era of Peace, so that I may become part of Your family for eternity.
I love You, Jesus. I need You. I honour You and everything You stand for. Help me, Jesus, so that I may be worthy to enter Your Kingdom. Amen.”
Your Saviour
Jesus Christ
Crusade of Prayer (7) Prayer for those who refuse Mercy
Prayer for those who refuse Mercy
My dearly beloved daughter My arrival to save mankind yet again before the final judgement is so close. My joy is tinged with deep suffering because of those souls who will reject My Mercy.
You, My daughter must fight along with My army of those beloved children of the cross to save these souls. This is the prayer they must say to beg for mercy for souls in darkness.
“Jesus, I urge You to forgive those sinners, so dark of soul, who will refuse the Light of Your Mercy.
Forgive them, Jesus, I plead with You, in order to redeem them from the sins, which they find it so difficult to extract themselves from.
Flood their hearts with Your Rays of Mercy and allow them the chance to return to Your fold. Amen.”
Your beloved Jesus
The Warning not the end of the world
Maria Divine Mercy would like to remind all those people who are worried or fearful about the forthcoming Illumination of Conscience (The Warning) to please re-read this message she received from Jesus Christ on:
Friday, November 11th, 2011 @ 04:00 pm
Prayer and much of it is needed to help save souls now. You, My daughter, must prepare your family and tell those in need of My great mercy to be ready.
Once again the signs will appear first. Many people will sit up and take heed when they see the changes in the skies. They will witness the sun spin like never before.Then they will see the cross. This will happen immediately before the stars clash in the skies and when My rays of Divine Mercy will cover the earth.
Silence will ensue so that each soul will be in a state of absolute privacy when they come before Me. Tell My children what to watch out for because they must not be afraid. This is not an event to fear. Instead you must all welcome this encounter.
All My children must accept that it is I who now comes before them. They must not think that this is the end of the world. For it is not. It is the beginning of a new period in time when all of My children will know the truth at last.
I rejoice and feel a great tenderness towards every single soul who can be redeemed if they allow me to give them this gift.
Pray pray pray for all souls now and in particular for those who will be so fearful that they may not be strong enough to accept My hand of Mercy.
Yours Saviour
Jesus Christ
Crociata di preghiera (6) – Preghiera per fermare l’Anticristo
“Oh Gesù io prego che Dio nella sua misericordia anticiperà l’Anticristo e la sua vile armata dal causare terrore ed infliggere prove ai tuoi figli.
Preghiamo che sarà fermato e che la mano del castigo sarà evitata attraverso la conversione ottenuta durante l’Avvertimento.”
Crusade of Prayer (6) Prayer to stop the antichrist
“O Jesus, I pray that God, in His Mercy, will prevent the antichrist and his vile army from causing terror and inflicting hardship on Your children.
We pray that he will be stopped and that the hand of chastisement will be avoided, through the conversion achieved during The Warning. Amen.”
Crociata di preghiera (5) – Lode a Dio altissimo.
Figlia mia il mondo deve offrire questa speciale preghiera in lode e rendimento di grazie a Dio Padre per la misericordia che sta per fornire all’ intero mondo.
“Oh eterno Padre, noi ti offriamo le nostre preghiere in gioioso rendimento di grazie per il tuo prezioso dono di misericordia all’
intero genere umano.
Noi gioiamo e ti offriamo gloriosissimo Re la nostra lode e adorazione per la tua tenera e amorevole misericordia.
Tu, Dio altissimo sei il nostro Re e per questo dono che tu ora porti a noi giaciamo ai tuoi piedi in umile servizio.
Per favore Dio, abbi misericordia di tutti i tuoi figli. “
Il vostro Gesù.
Crusade of Prayer (5) Praise to God the Most High
My daughter the world must offer this special prayer in praise and thanksgiving to God the Father for the mercy he is providing the whole world.
“O Eternal Father, we offer You our prayers, in joyful thanksgiving, for Your precious Gift of Mercy to the whole of mankind.
We rejoice and offer You, Most Glorious King, our praise and adoration for Your loving and tender Mercy.
You, God the Most High, are our King and for this Gift You now bring to us we lie at Your Feet in humble servitude. Please, God, have Mercy on all Your children. Amen.”
Your Jesus
Croisade de Prières (5) Louez Dieu le Tout Puissant
Ma fille, le monde doit offrir cette prière spécialement en louanges et en action de graces à Dieu le Père pour la Miséricorde qu’il donne au monde entier.
“O Père Eternel nous vous offrons nos prières dans une joyeuse action de graces pour le cadeau précieux de votre Miséricorde accordée à toute l’humanité.
Nous nous réjouissons et nous vous offrons Roi très glorieux notre louange et notre adoration pour votre Miséricorde tendre et pleine d’amour.
Vous etes, Dieu Tout Puissant notre Roi et, pour ce cadeau que nous vous apportons maintenant, nous nous allongeons à vos pieds avec notre humble servitude.
S’il vous plait Dieu, ayez pitié de tous vos enfants.”
Votre Jésus
Crociata di preghiera (4) – Unisci tutte le famiglie
Figlia mia, questa preghiera e’ importante perché aiuterà a tenere insieme le famiglie così che possono rimanere come una nel mio nuovo Regno di Paradiso sulla terra.
“Unisci tutte le famiglie Gesù durante l’Avvertimento così da poter ricevere la salvezza eterna.
Io prego che tutte le famiglie rimangano insieme in unione con te Gesù, così da poter ereditare il tuo nuovo paradiso sulla terra.”
Il vostro amorevole Salvatore, Redentore del genere umano Gesù Cristo.
Crusade of Prayer (4) Unite all Families
My daughter this prayer is important for it will help keep families together so that they can remain as one in my New Kingdom of Paradise on earth.
“Unite all families, Jesus, during The Warning, so that they may receive Eternal Salvation.
I pray that all families remain together, in union with You, Jesus, so that they may inherit Your New Paradise on Earth. Amen”
Your loving Saviour
Redeemer of Mankind
Jesus Christ
Redeemer of Mankind
Jesus Christ
Croisade de Prière (4) Unissez toutes les Familles
Ma fille, cette prière est importante car elle aidera à garder les familles unies de façon à ce qu’elles ne fassent qu’un dans mon Nouveau Royaume de Paradis sur terre.
“Jésus, Unissez toutes les familles pendant l’Avertissement afin qu’elles puissent recevoir le salut éternel. Je prie pour que toutes les familles restent ensembles en union avec vous Jésus de façon à ce qu’elles puissent hériter de votre Nouveau Paradis sur Terre.”
Votre affectueux Sauveur
Rédempteur de l’humanité
Jésus Christ
Croisade de Prière (3) Délivrez le monde de la peur
Ma chère fille bien aimée je te fournis une prière pour délivrer le monde de la peur
“O mon Seigneur Jesus Christ je vous implore de libérer le monde de la peur qui détache les ames de votre coeur plein d’amour.
Je prie pour les ames qui vont faire l’expérience d’une peur réelle pendant L’Avertissement. Que cette peur puisse cesser et que votre Miséricorde inonde leurs ames afin qu’elles soient libres de vous aimez de la façon dont elles devraient vous aimer.
Votre affectueux Sauveur
Jésus Christ
Crusade of Prayer (3) Rid the world of fear
My dearly beloved daughter I now provide you with the prayer to rid the world of fear
“O my Lord Jesus Christ, I beseech You to rid the world of fear, which detaches souls from Your loving Heart.
I pray that souls who will experience real fear during The Warning will stop and allow Your Mercy to flood their souls, so that they will be free to love You in the way they should. Amen.”
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Crusade of Prayer (2) Prayer for Global Rulers
My dearly beloved daughter today I urge My followers to offer this prayer to save those poor children who are being tormented by the leaders of their own countries who in turn are being dictated to by Global forces, not of God.
“My Eternal Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, I ask that You protect your children from the persecution, which is being plotted by global forces against innocent nations.
I pray for the forgiveness of sin of those souls who are the cause of this hardship, so that they may turn to You with humble and contrite hearts.
Please give Your tortured children the strength to withstand such suffering in atonement for the sins of the world, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.”
Crociata di preghiera (2) – Preghiera per i governanti globali
Mia cara amata figlia oggi io presso i miei seguaci ad offrire questa preghiera per salvare quei poveri figli che stanno per essere tormentati dai leaders delle loro proprie nazioni che stanno per essere dominate dalle forze globali, non di Dio.
“Mio Eterno Padre, nel nome del tuo amato figlio Gesù Cristo, io ti domando che tu proteggi i tuoi figli dalla persecuzione che sta per essere complottata dalle forze globali contro le nazioni innocenti.
Prego per il perdono di quelle anime che sono la causa di questa prova , che essi possano convertirsi a te con cuori umili e contriti.
Per favore , dai ai tuoi figli torturati la forza di resistere a tale soffrire in espiazione per i peccati dl mondo attraverso Cristo nostro Signore. Amen.”
Croisade de Prières (2) Prière pour les Dirigeants Mondiaux
Ma chère fille bien aimée, aujourd’hui je conseille vivement à Mes partisans d’offrir cette prière pour sauver ces pauvres enfants qui sont tourmentés par les leaders de leurs propres pays, ces derniers ont leur conduite qui leur est dictée par les forces Mondiales, et non par Dieu.
“Mon Père Eternel, au nom de votre fils bien aimé Jésus Christ, Je vous demande de protéger vos enfants de la persécution qui est établie par les les forces mondiales contre les nations innocentes.
Je prie pour le pardon du péché de ces ames qui sont la cause de cette épreuve, de sorte qu’elles puissent se tourner vers vous avec des coeurs humbles et contrits.
S’il vous plait, donnez à vos enfants torturés la force de supporter la souffrance en réparation des péchés du monde par le Christ Notre Seigneur Amen.”
Book now available
You can order a printed version of the 1st volume of messages.
The books are delivered on donation base. The prime costs book are displayed with approx €4.00 plus forwarding expenses of Germany.
It depends on your donation whether other books can be printed.
Apostolate, post office box 50 11 08, D-50971 Cologne, Germany
Crusade of Prayer (1) “My Gift to Jesus to Save Souls”
My beloved daughter please ask My children to recite these prayers from now until The Warning. My followers are requested to recite these prayers which I will give you every day to save souls. This is the first prayer
My Gift to Jesus to Save Souls
“My dearest Jesus, You Who loves us so much, allow me, in my humble way to help save Your precious souls.
Have Mercy on all sinners, no matter how grievously they offend You.
Allow me, through prayer and suffering, to help those souls who may not survive The Warning to seek a place beside You in Your Kingdom. Hear my prayer, O sweet Jesus, to help You win over those souls You yearn for.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I pledge my allegiance to Your Most Holy Will, at all times. Amen.”
Your Saviour
Jesus Christ
Croisade de Prière (1) – Mon Cadeau à Jésus pour Sauver les Ames
Ma fille bien aimée s’il te plait demande à Mes enfants de réciter ces prières à partir de maintenant et jusqu’à L’ Avertissement. Il est demandé à Mes partisans de réciter ces prières que je vous donnerai chaque jour pour sauver les ames. Ceci est la première prière
Mon Cadeau à Jésus pour Sauver les Ames
Mon cher Jésus, vous, qui nous aimez tellement, permettez moi d’une façon humble, de vous aider à sauver vos Ames précieuses. Ayez pitié de tous les pecheurs, meme de ceux qui vous ont douloureusement offensé.
Permettez moi à travers la prière et la souffrance d’aider ces ames qui ne pourraient pas survivre à L’Avertissement. Qu’elles puissent trouver un endroit proche de vous dans votre Royaume.
Entendez ma prière O doux Jésus pour vous aider à gagner ces ames que vous désirez tant
O Sacré Coeur de Jésus, je fais serment de fidélité en tout temps à votre Sainte Volonté.
Votre Sauveur,
Jésus Christ
Jésus Christ
Crociata di preghiera (1) – Il mio dono a Gesù per salvare le anime
Mia amata figlia per favore chiedi ai miei figli di recitare queste preghiere da ora fino all’ Avvertimento. Ai miei seguaci e’ richiesto di recitare queste preghiere che io darò a voi ogni giorno per salvare le anime. Questa e’ la prima preghiera “Mio caro Gesù tu, che ci ami così tanto, consentimi nella mia umiltà di aiutare a salvare le tue preziose anime. Abbi misericordia di tutti i peccatori senza problemi di quanto gravemente ti offendono.
Consentimi attraverso la preghiera e la sofferenza di aiutare quelle anime che possono non sopravvivere all’ Avvertimento per trovare un posto affianco a te nel tuo Regno.
Ascolta la mia preghiera oh dolce Gesù di aiutarti a conquistare le anime che desideri.
Oh Sacro Cuore di Gesù io ti prometto la mia alleanza alla tua santissima Volontà in ogni momento.”
Il vostro Salvatore, Gesù Cristo
New Crusade of Prayer from Jesus
In a message received by Maria Divine Mercy today, 17 November 2011, Jesus has requested that a Jesus to Mankind “Crusade of Prayer” commence with daily prayers given to the world by Jesus Christ. Prayers will be given each day to Maria and posted on with effect from the 18 November 2011. The first prayer will be posted from this date, with one new ones uploaded daily, for as long as Jesus requests this to be the case.
JTM Facebook abuse
May we respectfully inform those who do not accept or believe in these messages to stop abusing our hospitality, which enables open and shared views on the Jesus to Mankind Facebook.
We would also remind everyone of standard Facebook ethics which must be respected. New contributors , who appear suddenly and mount long, extensive verbal assaults on the contents of our website, the objective being only to discredit these messages, will be removed without notice.
Messages in Croatian
Croatian translator needed – We have been requested to translate the messages into Croatian. If anyone knows of a person willing to give up their time to translate the messages (in volumes one at a time) in Croatian we can then, with the help of volunteers, ensure the messages can be spread to Croatia and Bosna & Hercegovina.
Online Discussion Forum
We are currently working on a Online Discussion Forum. This will be ready very soon.
Floods Southern France – prophecy fulfilled
FLOODS SOUTHERN FRANCE – Southern regions in France have been put on orange alert, the second highest weather alert after red as heavy rains and flooding resulted in the evacuation of about six hundred people. Rivers overran their banks, flooding streets and homes and leaving hundreds stranded. Television images showed cars floating along roads and residents mopping up their sodden, muddy homes.
Maria Divine Mercy was given this and other prophecies in Spring 2011.
Newly Formed English Internet Prayer Group
Hello Maria,
The Internet Prayer Group have updated the website and now have the option to enable people to join as new members. I found out about ‘TheWarningSecondComing’ website, on Sat 14th August 2011 at appx 11:45 through a lady at church. I have been following these messages ever since. I would like to Thank Maria Divine Mercy for all she is doing. I am also a recent member of the internet prayer group, which was formed in response to a message from our loving Saviour Jesus, and we are all praying for her daily. I just want her to feel she is not alone and many of us are praying for her.
See below the link to the International Internet Prayer Group in English.
God Bless you all
9th November 2011 first anniversary of messages to Maria
It will be exactly one year on Wednesday 9th November 2011 since Maria Divine Mercy received the first message from Jesus Christ. The message was received at 3am on 9th November 2010
Prayer to say to convert others
Because of the weakness of faith among those in the world who are believers those of you who are strong in your faith have a huge responsibility now. You must pray this conversion prayer for the others.
“I urge you Jesus, in your Divine Mercy, to cover those lukewarm souls with your Precious Blood so that they can be converted.” Say this short prayer on behalf of those whom you believe need it most.
“I urge you Jesus, in your Divine Mercy, to cover those lukewarm souls with your Precious Blood so that they can be converted.” Say this short prayer on behalf of those whom you believe need it most.
Abuse of Jesus to Mankind Facebook
We welcome all participants , their views, the open friendly informative exchanges as well as the beautiful prayers which are shared on the Jesus to Mankind Facebook. It has become a strong spiritual loving and brand new community and has quickly spread conversion around the world with more than a quarter of million new users per month on the site.
However in the last few weeks we believe we have become a deliberate target for a small group of people who wish to discredit The Warning Second Coming website and the Holy Messages it contains.
It has been brought to our attention also that a number of new fake Facebook accounts have been deliberately been set up suddenly, the objective being to create direct links to other ‘visionary’ websites.
In addition we can also report that the main website has been deliberately afflicted with a number of malicious and vicious viral attacks designed to destroy our computers.
We now reserve the right to immediately remove, without notice, offending contributors who deliberately abuse our forum in this way
Remember abusing Jesus to Mankind Facebook creates grounds for Profile deactivation. It will not be tolerated as it is unfair to other genuine contributors. It also demonstrates a complete lack of respect for the website and undermines the divine messages given to the world by Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Admin Team
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