Wednesday 2 October 2024

Mother of Salvation: Not one door was opened to allow my Son to come into the world with dignity.. BOOK OF TRUTH.VOL 4


Mother of Salvation: Not one door was opened to allow my Son to come into the world with dignity

My dear child, when you are thrown into the wilderness and isolated because of this Mission, it is important to know the reason why. Because when you do, it will make it easier for you to accept such cruelty.

When I was about to give birth, not one door was opened to allow my Son to come into the world with dignity. As each door was slammed in the Face of God, Who sent His only Son to redeem man from sin, it will be just the same as God now prepares the way for the Second Coming of His Son.

As God prepares the world for this great day, doors will again be shut, in defiance, against the Word of God. You, as the messenger, will continue to face fierce opposition. Many will not only keep their doors closed – this will only be one insult – they will scream terrible obscenities and hurt you, my child, because they do not want to hear the Word of God.

The spirit of evil prevails at this crucial time in the history of mankind and will crush even the most holy amongst God’s children. Only the most courageous will withstand the spirit of evil, which will infest millions so that they will reject the Mercy of my Son.

It is not the Messages alone which will be hated, but it is the fear, that through the Mercy of my Son, that more souls will be saved from the grasp of the evil one. The evil one works and weaves his way into the hearts of many souls, and in particular, those who are close to my Son. It is the devout followers, within my Son’s Church, who are the first target of the evil one, who will turn most of them against His Word at this time.

The True Word of my Son, Jesus Christ, has been diluted over the centuries and the contents of the Holy Bible are now denied by many, who say they know my Son. Remember, the battle for souls is being fought by the angels and saints in my Father’s Kingdom, against the deceiver. You, my child, are caught in the middle and as such become an easy target.

It is because of the enormity of this Mission and because you are a prophet – and not a visionary – that you will work in isolation and be hated amongst men. Do not allow this persecution to sadden you or feel that you will not be strong enough, for this cannot be. You have been sent and you are protected and you will stand up and continue to proclaim the Word of God, until the last day. This is foretold and when the souls of the world are saved and when the New Kingdom – the New Paradise – commences, none of this suffering will be of any consequence.

Rejoice and have no fear. I, your beloved Mother, will guide and protect you, even in your darkest hour, so that the Light of God will fill your mind, body and soul, every day.

I love you, my child, and you must know that you have been blessed with the Gift of Perseverance. All is now in the Hands of God. You must trust in Him, at all times.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of God

Mother of Salvation

Crusade Prayer (59) A Pledge of Allegiance to the Divine Will

O God the Most High, O Heavenly Father, I pledge to You my firm allegiance to honor and obey You in all things united to Your Divine Will on earth.
I, through the Sacred Blood of Your only beloved Son, the True Messiah, offer You my mind, my body and my soul on behalf of all souls so that we can unite, as one, in Your Heavenly Kingdom to come, so that Your Divine Will is done on earth, as it is in Heaven.

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