Sunday 18 August 2024

My dearest wish is that you seek out the souls of the young.. BOOK OF TRUTH ..VOL 3

My dearest wish is that you seek out the souls of the young

My dearly beloved daughter, My Love for those young people of every nation, colour and creed, who do not acknowledge Me, is everlasting. My sorrow for these little souls of Mine is deep. They are to be prayed for, especially now. I will take them into My Mercy, without hesitation, if you ask Me through this Crusade Prayer.

Crusade Prayer (106) Mercy for the young who don’t acknowledge God

Dear Jesus, take under Your protection the souls of these children of God who do not know You, who do not acknowledge Your Love and who do not accept Your Promise. Pour out Your grace of conversion and give them eternal life.Be merciful to all those who do not believe in Your Presence and who will not seek remorse for their sins. Amen.

My beloved Remnant Army, My dearest wish is that you seek out the souls of the young, the agnostics and those who do not believe in God. They are your priority. I ask you to draw all nations, creeds, colours and religions into My Protection. When you bring Me such souls, I will give them great Gifts and promise their salvation.

It is important that you do not ignore those who have no interest in their salvation. They are the lost souls I yearn for and I will follow them into every corner, every crevice and every country until I can draw them into My Kingdom.

Remember this request. Remember My desire is to reach out to those who don’t know Me and to those who don’t want to know Me.

Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (13) Prayer calling for Immunity

O Heavenly Father, through the love of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, whose passion on the Cross saved us from sin, please save all those who still reject His Hand of Mercy. Flood their souls, dear Father, with Your token of Love.
I plead with you, Heavenly Father, hear my prayer and save these souls from eternal damnation. Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth.
* special graces will be given to each who pledges a full month of this prayer for the souls of your brothers and sisters.


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