Saturday 28 March 2015

God is not boastful. God is not proud. God is gentle, loving and yet firm in His instruction to humanity

My dearly beloved daughter, the way in which I show Myself to God’s children on this Earth is through only one source and that is the Holy Spirit. I cannot make Myself known to them through any other way.
Without the Presence of the Holy Spirit My Voice cannot be heard. So when the Holy Spirit descends on a chosen soul My Voice can be made known. But be aware.  The Holy Spirit can only reside in souls who listen and simply communicate what is given to them.
The Holy Spirit may inspire people to speak the Word of God, but such souls cannot deviate from this. Anyone who writes, communicates, speaks and says that he represents the Word of God, given to him by the Power of the Holy Spirit, must never give his own interpretation of My Most Holy Word.
Anyone who proclaims the Word of God and who has been empowered by the Holy Spirit will never boast of this fact. They will never condemn another in My Name, speak ill of others or slander them. When you see this happening you will know that the Holy Spirit is not present.
So many false prophets shout at the top of their voices, boasting of the fact that they have been given the Gift of the Holy Spirit, but this is a lie. Know the liar when he says he is knowledgeable, has a great education in theology – and therefore knows more about Me than others – and then claims to have been given the authority to condemn others, who say they speak in My Name. This arrogance could never come from God.
God is not boastful. God is not proud. God is gentle, loving and yet firm in His Instruction to humanity. He would never give permission to any genuine prophet, true disciple or holy servant to hurt or insult another in My Name.
Beware of the false prophets who do not have the Gift of the Holy Spirit, for they will lead you astray. They will lead you in the opposite direction to the path I have chosen for each of you.
Your Jesus

God the Father: I will strike every nation according to the extent of the number of innocents they have murdered

My beloved daughter, I Am the Beginning and the End. I Am the Creator of all that is and will be. I Am Master of life and death. No one has the authority to intervene in life or death, as only I, your Almighty Father, can intervene in either.
When man begins to believe that he is as good, if not more powerful than I, he will try to emulate Me. When man wants to take control over My Creation, he is being tempted by Satan to sin. When the sin of pride infests the soul to such an extent, man will defy Me by destroying life on Earth.
Why would man want to do this? He wants to obtain power over what has been given freely by Me, when he takes the life of a child in the womb. When he wants to control the population, he will destroy life before birth and kill those he feels must no longer sustain life.
There is a plan, My daughter, by a group to destroy the growth of the world’s population. And that is through the terrible evil that is enacted through abortion.The increase in abortion and the rapid introduction of it across the world is no accident. It is being spread throughout every nation. Those nations who object to abortion will be pushed to one side by the beast with the ten horns and forced to introduce this abomination.
By My Hand, I will cast a severe punishment upon those nations who have introduced abortion. You will see this happen as soon as such laws are introduced and by the punishment I will inflict. You will know that it is My Hand, which has been cast down upon such wickedness. Those of you who think that you have the right to take a life, know that this right does not exist. Take a life and you will have no life. No Eternal Life will be yours, if you assist in any act, which brings such wicked laws into existence. The same punishment will be inflicted on those of you who dare to justify euthanasia.
My Mercy is abundant and I will forgive those who do not understand the difference between right and wrong. But when you deliberately take part in the global plan to destroy life, as part of a satanic group, you are doomed. Your future has been sealed by the promise you have made to the beast, and shortly, your alliance with the antichrist.
By taking the life of the innocent and forcing such laws into being, you are openly defying one of My most important Commandments – thou shalt not kill.  When you plan such genocide on such a global basis, you are carrying out the work of the devil and for this, I will destroy you.
I Am giving you warnings first, and then, if these wicked laws are not curtailed, you leave Me with no choice. The Earth will shake with such force that it will swallow you. I will strike every nation according to the extent of the number of innocents they have murdered. If I do not intervene, very soon your nations will be devoured by the beast and no one will be left. I need you to know that sin has infested the Earth to such an extent, that there is only a flicker of Light left. That Light is the Light of God and it is present in My Son and His Mystical Body. Your sins continue to scourge Him and this will escalate until the stage when His Church will be crucified. When this happens, the darkness will descend and then will come the end.
My Anger has reached its limit. Your prayers will help to mitigate some of the punishment, which I will cast down upon this ungrateful world and upon such wicked sinners, but not all, for these punishments must take place, so that I can stop these plans from destroying you. If I did not try to halt the spread of such abominations there would be no remorse. No shame. No awareness of the fact that I, God the Most High, create life and take it away according to My Will. No one else has the power to do likewise.
My Anger has shown itself to My children down through the ages, but until now, you have withstood the punishments, which I will now pour down on those who are guilty of introducing the act of abortion.
Your Father
God the Most High

My Voice, as It rings out, will draw millions towards Me in the next stage, and then billions in the final stages

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am preparing every part of the world, right now, for My Second Coming.  I will sweep every nation up – not one excluded – into My Arms of Mercy, so that I can bring them into My Kingdom.
My Plan is very detailed and, yet, it is simple. My Voice, as It rings out, will draw millions towards Me, in the next stage, and then billions in the final stages. Many more will hear the Truth now, but they won’t accept it, until what I have told you happens. My Mission will expand quickly and then when everyone knows that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who makes this Call from Heaven, they will join Me. My Mission will be responded to, by even those who renounce these Messages.
You, My followers, may be disheartened because of the abuse, which you will have to endure because of Me, but it will not last long. My Love for God’s children is so great that it can be likened to that of a parent, who has a number of children. Some children will honour their mother and father and respond to the love shown to them. Other children will push their parents away, treat their brothers and sisters badly, before finally breaking all ties. Because of the ties of blood and love, every effort will be made, not only by the parents, but by the siblings, to draw those lost children back into the bosom of their family. And when that happens, all sins, anger and rejection, will be forgotten.
My followers, while you will have to face the wrath of others, you must remain calm and patient. Your perseverance will be tested and some of you will fall away. When you do, everything will be done, by My loyal followers, to bring you back, so that you can respond to My Call.
Your beloved Jesus

God the Father: I promised the world the Book of Truth and I never go back on My Holy Word

My dearest daughter, My beloved children are in disarray at this time. I wish to tell them, and especially those who doubt these Divine Messages given to you because I love them, that they must not fear.
Fear creates doubt. Doubt creates confusion. Confusion can lead to unease and, eventually, you will be blinded to the Truth. The Truth will never be easy to accept, for the Truth reveals the good and the bad. No one wants to hear the bad and rather than accept the direction given to the world through My Wishes humanity will cower in fear.
I send My prophets to remind you of My Infinite Love for every one of My precious children. I also send them to warn you of the obstacles, which will be placed before you by the evil one to take you away from Me. When I reveal these things, it is not to upset you, but to save you and to keep you from harm.
The Truth given to you in My Holy Book, the Bible, is there for you to see. Do not take it and create your own version, for it is not My Desire that you twist the Truth. I promised the world the Book of Truth and I never go back on My Holy Word. This I give you now, so that I can gather My children from the four corners of the Earth. My enemies will try to stop the spread of the contents in the Book of Truth. Do not allow them to distract you, as when this happens souls will be lost to Me.
Be thankful that I, your beloved Father, give you this great Gift, as you will need My Direction, especially now, as the antichrist will now be presented for the world to see. You will, through the Book of Truth, be shown how to protect your souls from the contamination he has planned to inflict upon the world. Every protection is being given to you to help save, not only your own souls, but the souls of billions.
The Remnant Army will be given the greatest powers to defeat the beast. It will be strong enough to do this, so never feel disheartened when My enemies try to prevent you from multiplying across all nations. Their power will be quashed and those who are weak and accept the lies, which will be presented to them, soon, in the Name of My Son, will be lost to Me. Only through your love for Me and My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and by the Power of the Holy Spirit can all of My children be saved.
I will protect you and guard you at all times. Uplift your souls to Me through your allegiance to My Son and you will be given the most Glorious Gift of My New Paradise.
Let no one stop you from claiming your rightful Inheritance. Let no one stop you from fighting for the souls of all My children, for you are being given the Graces necessary to save even the souls of those who offend Me the most. 

I love you, children. I await your response to this Call from Heaven.
Your beloved Father

I, the Mother of God, will destroy the power of the evil one, in the hearts of those who call on me

My child, you must never listen to those who try to stop you in this Holy Mission. It is important that you remain in union with my beloved Son and know that those voices, who speak blasphemy against my Son, will continue to multiply. The hatred, which pours from their mouths, is not against you, but the Holy Word of my Son. Now, you know how many enemies my Son has in the world. The ones who hurt Him the most are those who say they love Him, but who reject Him now, as He speaks through the chosen prophets of God.
Those who use me, the Holy and Immaculate Mother of God, to hide behind, while they scream obscenities, fill me with tears of great sorrow. So hardened are their hearts and so filled with anger, that their hatred of these Messages will shock many. Those who believe that they defend the Word of God, and who reject those who come in His Name, must never condone those who show hatred to or slander others in His Name. When this happens and when those who claim to be prophets do this, know that these bitter attacks do not come from God, as this would be impossible.
I, the Mother of God, will destroy the power of the evil one, in the hearts of those who call on me. If they do not call on me, I cannot help them. I, as the Co-Redemptrix, could never deny the Truth, which my Son wishes to reveal to the world. My duty is to my Son. I would never tell you to reject or denounce the evil one and then deceive you by claiming to be the Mother of God.
Those who claim to honour me through my Most Holy Rosary and then say wicked things about my Son, by declaring His Messages to be lies, insult my Son and dishonor me. My Most Holy Rosary, when said slowly and from the heart, will open your hearts to the Truth of this Mission. You must never give up hope, even if you are not given the Gift of discernment. It will be given to you, if you ask me to consecrate your soul into the care of my Son. If this is done with a simple and humble spirit, my Son will reward you with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Children, you must never insult my Son’s prophets, even if you do not believe them. You must remain silent and pray for them. Should you reject my Son’s prophets, He will not hold this against you. But, if you declare that His Holy Word, given to the true prophets, to be that of the evil one, you will suffer terribly.
Remain calm, children, and place your trust completely in my Son. Surrender yourself into His Mercy and He will guide you and peace will be yours. Go, my dear children, safe in the knowledge that my Son loves you. He forgives all souls, for all sins, with the exception of eternal sin – blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation

These Messages will be the last given to you before the Great Day when I come to Judge

My dearly beloved daughter, the pain of the prophets who came before you has never truly been known. But their load was heavy. Unlike visionaries, they worked alone and were denied any form of acceptance.
The prophets were hated because they prophecised in the Name of God and because they told of future tragedies, which were to befall humanity because of the stain of sin. They led lonely and frightening lives and fell down many times because of the difficulty of their Mission. They found it hard to understand the prophecies and many of them were ignorant of the meaning of the Words, which were dictated to them. Many were unsure whether they were, in fact, prophets at all, but by the fruits of their Mission, when they could see the spread of the Word of God and how quickly conversions were witnessed, they understood.
Most of God’s prophets were despised, mocked and considered to be heretics. Many were cast into the wilderness and tormented, all because they were messengers sent by God.
Prophets are sent into the world, only because of the Love of God, to prepare His children for events, which will have an impact on the salvation of their souls. Prophets have been given different Missions. In some cases, they were sent to warn humanity of the danger of disobeying the Father. Others were sent to warn of the consequences, which would befall man, were they to fall into grave sin. In other cases, it was to warn humanity of those who would cause them persecution and try to prevent the Word of God from nourishing His children. And then there was John the Baptist, sent to prepare God’s children for the coming of the Messiah, the only Son of God, sent to redeem them in the Eyes of God. But, they would not listen to him. The lowliest amongst the Jews did listen and accepted Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of man, but the holiest and most senior servants, within the church at that time, refused to accept the Truth.
And now you, My daughter, have been sent to prepare the way for My Second Coming so that I can bring salvation to the world and so that My New Paradise can be realized. This has been foretold, but will they listen? Sadly, no. They refuse to believe that My Father could possibly send into the world, in their time, His final prophet. By doing so, they are denying the Holy Gospel of God.  They believe that My Second Coming will not take place until far into the future. This error is not caused by their knowledge of Holy Scripture, but because of their flawed human reasoning, through which no part of My Promise to come again can be understood.
The Glorious Inheritance of your future, which awaits you, is yours. It is for every single one of you, no matter how blackened or pure your souls are, but you must prepare and be alert, for every demon from Hell roams the Earth at this time, and through others will try to stop you. Satan does not want My Father to bring His children home to their rightful Inheritance. He will spread lies, cause confusion, and distract you. His cunning and deceitful ways will be so subtle and he will work through other souls, who allow themselves to be open to such temptation. People will, therefore, not believe that God would ever send another prophet into the world in this way. It is unnecessary, they will say. They will be fooled into believing, instead, in the false prophets and as there are so many of them –wolves in sheep’s clothing – they will be drawn to those who will say all the things they want to hear.  Made up tales. Cleverly camouflaged in holy speak, which will hide terrible lies, which defile My Holy Word.
You, My daughter, will be the only one who will speak the True Word of God at this time, for all the world to hear. There are also other prophets of God, but their Missions are different. You will be asked to tell the Truth, but the Truth will shock, just as it will salvage souls.
Do those among you who proclaim to know Me not think that My Father would send a final prophet to prepare you, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, before My Second Coming? Don’t you know Him? Don’t you know how great His Love is? Do you not know the extent of His great Compassion? If you do, then you will listen to these Messages from Heaven. These Messages will be the last given to you before the Great Day when I come to Judge.
Those who live their lives according to the Word of God and who do not know of these Messages have nothing to fear. Those who accept these Messages and warnings, not to accept any other doctrine other than that given to the world by Me, Jesus Christ, have nothing to fear, for theirs will be the kingdom of My New Paradise.
Those who will refuse My Hand of Mercy, who wander away from Me and who destroy their souls by honouring Satan and all his empty promises, instead of their God and Creator, will be denied Eternal Life, unless they beg for My Mercy.
There is time ahead to renew your lives. It is very simple. Come to Me and I will protect you. These prophecies relate to the future and they will be realized. Reject them as nonsense and you will rue the day you turned your back on the Truth promised to you as God’s cherished children.
Your Jesus

Those who scream at My Word in anger and declare that It comes from Satan will reside with the beast for eternity

My dearly beloved daughter, everywhere My Voice is heard, in every place, and in every temple dedicated to the adoration of God, there will be disruption.While many will pay homage to Me, to My Teachings, to My Church, when they hear My Voice, as It commands attention now, they will cover their ears.
My Voice will fall on deaf and stubborn souls. My Voice, My Word and My Call will be angrily rejected and spit out, as I Am persecuted for the last time on Earth. This is the final calling to draw God’s children into My Bosom, before My Second Coming and yet, many people, confused by the lies spread by demons, will turn away and reject My Mercy.
I will once again be rejected by those who reside in the House of God, the priests and all those who do not accept the Truth. The final insult to My Name will be seen by all of you shortly. Those of you who cover your ears and walk around with blindfolds on your eyes will, eventually, see the Truth as it is being given to you at this time.
I cannot create schism within My Church, for then I would be denying Myself.My Body is the Church and It can never die, but It will be those within it, who will reject Me. Just as I was rejected the first time, they will, this time, try to destroy Me, before I come to bring the final salvation promised to man.
Man is weak. Man is ignorant and is not worthy of My Mercy. Man is stubborn. Man was given the Truth during My Time on earth, but still does not understand My Promise. My Return, in the Second Coming will be precipitated by the rejection of My final prophet. The prophet which has been sent to give you the final Word of God in order to prepare your souls, will suffer harshly. It is Me, Jesus Christ, you slander when you mock My Holy Word given to God’s prophet.  It is the Word of God, which is being given to prepare you for the battle with the antichrist, which you reject. By doing so, you destroy souls. You prevent these souls from entering My Paradise.
Those who say evil things about My Messages cannot justify their resentment, their anger or their logic, for they are full of error, which is born of the sin of pride. Soon the Truth will be difficult to discern from the lies by the new world organisation, which will present the pagan new world religion.
If you do not listen to Me now, you will be bullied into accepting this evil substitute. It will be dressed in a glittering, gold exterior. It will impress even the most devout amongst you and it will twist your allegiance to Me and will be admired by all. This is the religion which will convert atheists into believing in a great lie. No peace will come to those who follow this pagan abomination. Fear and loathing for each other will be manifested, where brother will fight brother and where the human race will be divided into two. One half will accept the twisted truth of this new world religion, which will be presided over by many churches, many faiths, as well as a large part of the Catholic Church. The other half will consist of those who truly love Me and who will remain faithful to the Truth.
When you do not accept the Truth – the Truth contained in the Holy Bible – you will live a lie. You will have no love left in your soul for Me if you accept the lies which will be fed to you.
And while My Word may seem like heresy today, as it was during My times on Earth, many of you will devour these Messages when you are starved of the Truth, when the antichrist will control your nations. You will crawl on your stomachs and scream out for Me. You, who blasphemed against Me, will want to cut out your tongues, for you will realise then how your words have insulted Me. I await this day patiently, but should you stand before Me and prevent Me from reaching out to souls, I will cut you down. Should you continue to blaspheme against Me, by declaring My Messages to be the work of the devil, then you will never be forgiven. For this is the greatest sin against God.
Remember that I come to God’s children this final time in order to fulfil My Father’s Covenant. His Will, can now be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Not one   amongst you can stop this from happening. Not one amongst you, though some of you hate Me, can prevent My Second Coming. Those who scream at My Word in anger and declare that it comes from Satan will reside with the beast for eternity.
Your Jesus

My Christian soldiers will form the biggest Army against the antichrist

My dearly beloved daughter, My beloved followers, all over the world, will soon feel My Presence, for I will make Myself known within their hearts in a way they have not experienced before. This is how I will prepare Christians to fight, on My behalf, to save the souls of everyone.
My Christian soldiers will form the biggest Army against the antichrist. I refer to all those who know Me and who remain loyal to My Holy Doctrine, contained within the most Holy Bible. I refer also to those who practice their faith; to those who believe in Me, but who do not visit Me and to all those who remain loyal to the Truth. You will gather in every corner of the world and, although you will join in My Remnant Army speaking in many tongues, you will unite as one in Me.
Those who follow these Messages will form the kernel and from this will grow the shoots and then the branches of My Remnant Army all over the world. There will be not one country left untouched by My Holy Spirit through the Book of Truth.
The Book of Truth will unite you when your faith will be tested. When allegiance to Me is tampered with and when I Am thrown out of your churches, trampled upon and then buried out of sight – you will rise and keep My Word alive. The Flame of the Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way. You will feel a strength and courage, which will surprise even the most meek amongst you. The weak will become strong. The fearful will become brave and the downtrodden will march forward as warriors of the Truth. And all the while, as My Remnant Army will grow and swell in their millions, many obstacles will be placed before them.
Insults, accusations of heresy, lies, anger and hatred will be their lot. Confusion will be seen everywhere amongst the detractors, whose argument will be riddled with inaccuracies, contradictions and incomprehensible arguments. Satan’s influence will always create confusion, disorder, illogical and cunning arguments, and will always be laced with hatred against God’s children. Those who are blessed with the Light of God and the Light of the Truth will attract terrible and hateful attacks. For where I Am Present, you can be sure that the persecution of those who proclaim My Holy Word will be great. The worse the persecution against any Mission of God, you can be sure that Satan is very angry.
When you suffer, as you will, by the hatred shown to you because you are taking up My Cross to follow Me, the more worried will be the beast and the harder he will work, through the souls of those stained with the sin of pride, to destroy you. You must ignore these attacks. Be at peace, for as they increase with an intense hatred against you, you will know for sure that you are in true union with Me, your Jesus.
Go in love and peace and know that I live in your hearts.
Your Jesus

When the time comes for the beast to reveal the antichrist, great signs will be seen

My dearly beloved daughter, when the time comes for the beast to reveal the antichrist, great signs will be seen. Thunder, as it has never been heard before, will be felt in many parts of the world, but in particular, the part where the antichrist was born.
By then My Holy Spirit, poured out amongst My followers, in all of My Christian Churches, will ensure that they are ready. They, along with My disciples from this Mission will form the Remnant Church. Their power will be great and no harm will come to those with the Seal of the Living God. Their power will come from the Prayers given to them by My Mother and in the Crusade Prayers.
The antichrist will begin his reign gently. No one will suspect his intent because a peace of sorts will descend over the Earth. This time will be very important for you, My Remnant Army, to gather in Prayer Groups. I solemnly promise that these Prayers will dilute much of the terrible deeds that he, the antichrist, will inflict on nations covering the four corners of the Earth.
I will grant reprieves to all those nations where Prayer Groups are set up. It will be by your devotion to Me, your beloved Jesus, that I will save souls and pour out more Gifts upon humanity, in order to protect God’s children against the suffering which the beast is plotting.
Trust in Me. Be at peace in the knowledge that you are being guided and protected.
Your Jesus

All those amongst the Christian Churches will come to Me first. Then the Jews will turn, in time, and accept Me finally

My dearly beloved daughter, as this Mission escalates, My Word will be spoken in many languages. My Messages, given to you today, ignite My Holy Word in the New Testament. My Messages also remind the world of the Word of God, which is contained in the most Holy Bible.
I do not rewrite the Word, I simply remind you what it means today. I also speak to the world to prepare them for My Second Coming, for I do not want them to be lost. It is with great love and joy that I watch how My faithful followers accept Me as I Am. Those who knew immediately that it was I, Jesus Christ, Who spoke to them through these Messages, are blessed. They are the ones who never doubted. They could feel My Presence. My Word pierced their hearts like a sword. My Spirit touched their souls. They knew. They recognised Me and how they suffer for this.
You, My precious children, know that when you responded to My Call that I gave you a special Gift, a blessing, which will help you to endure this Path to Eternal Life. You will need these Gifts, because you will be the backbone of My Remnant Army and you will lead the others, who will eventually follow you.
People of all nations will follow you when they have nowhere to turn and you will share My Teachings with them.  All those loyal to Me, Jesus Christ, will be given new Gifts to help them to unite around the world in union with Me. All those amongst the Christian Churches will come to Me first. Then the Jews will turn, in time, and accept Me finally. All other religions will realise the Truth of My Teachings and they also will follow Me. But not all accept the Truth, even when it is presented to them right before their eyes.
Then there are the non-believers, many of them good people. They use human intellect to put forth all the reasons why God does not Exist. Yet they, including many of their Christian counterparts who are lukewarm in their faith – will run to Me first. Their hearts will be unlocked and because they will only see what witness I bring to bear, they will know that I Call them.  They won’t resist Me, unlike those stubborn souls who think they know more about the promise I made to return to present the Final Covenant, than Me.
Every task I give you, will lead to more and more nations taking up My Cross to create the one pathway towards Me. Never hesitate to walk alongside Me when I Call you, because when you respond to Me, you will destroy the power of evil. Evil may cause you pain, but when you allow Me to guide you, you can overcome any obstacle in your way.
I love you and I guide you, just as I protect My Prayer Groups around the world.
Your Jesus

And then, just as they will have forgotten Me, My Church will rise from the dead, just as I did

My dearly beloved daughter, death will no longer have power, over those of God’s children who love Him, in My New Paradise.
These Messages, sadly, will bring unnecessary fear, to those who believe that when this Earth is discarded in favour of the New Heaven and Earth, that they will face death. This is not true. Those who find favour with Me and who accept My Hand of Mercy will be given the Gift of life. Even atheists, non-believers, non-Christians and those of every faith will turn to Me and accept My Gift, after The Warning takes place. This is when I will defeat the beast, for I will give Eternal Life to billions of souls who are alive in the world.
Sin, introduced to Adam and Eve by the beast, will cease to exist. My Mercy will defeat it. And just as sin destroys the body, My Light will bring to humanity Eternal Life. Death, disease, old age, will no longer exist in My New Paradise. My chosen children – billions of them – will have a perfect body and soul, in union with the Divine Will of My Father.
He, My Father, gave Eternal Life to Adam and Eve and they rejected it. And so, they and all their descendants were denied the Gift of Paradise and Eternal Life. Now at last, this will change. My Life, Death and Resurrection must now be re-enacted in this, the final part of My Covenant. My Church has, just as I was, been persecuted and it will now endure a savage beating, a painful attack and what will appear to be a crushing defeat. And when it has been crucified and thrown aside, it will seem to be burned and forgotten.
Paganism will thrive. But because it will be influenced and led by the evil one, it will be careful not to show its true colours. It will be presented to the world as a new form of social justice – a new form of humanism, when all the needs of man are catered for. These needs will include the right to sin, but these sins will, in defiance of God, be seen to be the moral rights of man.
How abhorrent to Me, Jesus Christ, will this wicked, one world religion be. Not only will they turn their backs on Me, but they will include satanic symbols where My Cross will be displayed, in the most grotesque way. My Host will be discarded. A different kind of sacrifice will be made on the altars of churches. It will be the beast they will worship openly, and in turn, he will give them many powers. This is why many will believe that those who will govern over this abomination will have miraculous powers. And while they may seem to be following a good and fair church, it will yield nothing but darkness.
Celebrations and obscene behaviour will be witnessed in these churches, which were built to honour Me, Jesus Christ, but I will not be Present. And then, just as they will have forgotten Me, My Church will rise from the dead, just as I did.It will become alive again in public places. Then I will gather all of My children who remained faithful to My Word and those whose eyes were opened to the Truth. Then we will ascend, along with those who have awaited the Great Day, but who are dead, into the New Paradise.
Those who refuse Me, after every attempt has been made by Me to salvage their souls, will be cast away. Then, My Reign will begin and the Kingdom promised to Me by My Father will be formed.
Never fear the future, for only My New Kingdom will satisfy your poor, sorrowful hearts. Only My New Kingdom will give you Eternal Life.
You must pray for each and every one of you, so that you are made worthy to receive this Great Gift.
Your Jesus

When the Holy Spirit is present, It will spread like fire and will replicate the Word of God in many tongues

My dearly beloved daughter, the Gift of the Holy Spirit is very much misunderstood. It is a precious Gift and is poured over humanity through the Generosity of God. It is given with great love to all, but not everyone accepts it. Not everyone is capable of receiving this Gift. Those who believe that they deserve this Gift because they say they know Me, and who are educated in every aspect of theology, are not necessarily prepared to receive this Most Holy Gift.
During the ten days in the Cenacle, My beloved Mother had to patiently explain to My apostles the importance of humility. Without humility you cannot be filled with this Gift from Heaven. Some of My apostles thought that as chosen disciples they were better than ordinary people because they were closer to Me and that others should automatically drop at their feet. But, of course, this is not what I taught them. My Mother spent many long hours explaining to them how pride can prevent the Holy Spirit from entering their souls.
When the Holy Spirit enters a soul, It brings with It many Gifts. It can be the Gift of Knowledge, the Gift of Tongues, the Gift of Wisdom, the Gift of Love, the Gift of Healing or the Gift of Prophecy. In the case of My apostles, they soon realised that, as soon as they received this Gift that they could never allow the sin of pride to sully their Mission thereafter. For as soon as pride intervenes in a person, who has received the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God vanishes and in Its place will dwell the spirit of darkness.
A dark soul cannot pour out the Light of the Holy Spirit over others. It can only spread darkness. Darkness of the spirit deceives others. It is particularly deceptive when it comes from someone who is seen to be a holy disciple or an expert in My Teachings. All that results is hatred, unease and a sense of hopelessness.
To receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, your souls must be cleansed and free of the sin of pride, otherwise It will never be granted to you. When the Holy Spirit is present, It will spread like fire and will replicate the Word of God in many tongues. It will bring about the healing of the mind, body and spirit and will bring with it the wisdom, which can only come from God. It will spread conversion globally.
This then will be the fruits by which you will know where the Holy Spirit is present. The abundance of every possible Gift, including miracles from Heaven, have now been manifested in the Book of Truth for the good of all – The Book promised to the whole of humanity for these times. Accept it with a gracious heart and give thanks to God for one of the last Gifts from Heaven before the Great Day.
Your Jesus

Crusade Prayer (107) Save me from the fires of Hell

I am a terrible sinner, Jesus.
By my actions, I have caused desperate suffering to others.
I am cast aside as a result.
I am no longer tolerated on Earth anywhere.
Rescue me from this wilderness and safeguard me from the grip of evil.
Allow me to repent.
Accept my remorse.
Fill me with Your Strength and help me to rise from the depths of despair.
I hand over to You, dear Jesus, my free will, to do onto me as You wish, so that I can be saved from the fires of Hell.  Amen.

They will be forgiven immediately if they would pluck up the courage and call upon Me to help them out of their misery

My dearly beloved daughter, you must know that all sinners, especially those who have done terrible things, must come to Me. I crave their attention and I want to bring them into My Heart, for I love them. They will be forgiven immediately if they would pluck up the courage and call upon Me to help them out of their misery. They must never fear Me, for I Am Ever-Merciful. They are closer to Me than those who profess to represent Me on Earth, but who are hypocrites, just as the Pharisees were.
Give Me your hand. No matter what deeds you have done, I will alight upon you. My Prayer, given to you now, will bring you into My Heart and I will reside in you and you will be saved.
Crusade Prayer (107) Save me from the fires of Hell
I am a terrible sinner, Jesus.
By my actions, I have caused desperate suffering to others.
I am cast aside as a result.
I am no longer tolerated on Earth anywhere.
Rescue me from this wilderness and safeguard me from the grip of evil.
Allow me to repent.
Accept my remorse.
Fill me with Your Strength and help me to rise from the depths of despair.
I hand over to You, dear Jesus, my free will, to do onto Me as You wish, so that I can be saved from the fires of Hell. Amen.
Go, my child, in peace, for I will never forsake those who beg me for Mercy.
Your Jesus

The world will rejoice, for along with My Church in Rome, the Jewish nations will be cut down

My dearest daughter, I reveal to you in intimacy My pain and sorrow as I relive, all over again, the agony I endured in the Garden of Olives.
Then My pain, created by the evil one, who showed Me visions of the future, was caused by the paganism which would sweep the Earth in your time. I knew then, just as can be seen now, the hatred in the world which exists for Me, Jesus Christ.
My suffering is exacerbated by the fact that humanity still does not fully understand the Sacrifice, which was made by Me for their souls. My Crucifixion was to save every generation, including those in the world today. My pain is great at this time and My suffering is being manifested within you, My daughter, and other victim souls, so that I can salvage the most ravaged amongst you.
I cry bitter tears and My Heart is heaving as sin is being spread through the laws in your countries, which will force innocent souls into temptation. Not only will they feel that sin can now be justified, because the laws in their countries condone them, but they will also be accused of breaking the laws of their land if they uphold My Holy Word.
Oh how deceived you are. How far you have wandered away from Me. How much you offend Me. Those with responsibility for proclaiming My Word, hear Me now. Your duty is to safeguard My Holy Word at all times. Your vow is to obey My Word and My Teachings, as they were contained in the creation of My Church on Earth. Never deviate from the Truth. Prepare your souls, for soon you will be forced against your will to deny Me through the Sacraments. You must keep alert at all times for the great changes, which lie ahead.
To the whole of humanity, I Call on you to respond to My Voice, the Voice of Truth, the Voice of Love, the Voice of your Master. Soon, you will see Me. Then the cobwebs will be cleared away from your eyes and then the Truth will become clear. When the Day of My Mercy dawns, you must know that My Second Coming will take place very soon afterwards. And while I yearn for all of you to turn to Me, I cry with sorrow for the souls who are lost to Me.
I must warn those who try to stop Me, in the salvation of souls, that I will punish you, should you continue to defy the Word of God. I refer not to these Messages, although I Am saddened that you will not listen to Me, but to the abolition of My Holy Word in your nations.
Light will fight dark. The Light of God keeps you alive. Darkness destroys you. My Light will become brighter and brighter until My Holy Eucharist is banished. Then it will fade. Then My Church will crumble and appear to die. The world will rejoice, for along with My Church in Rome, the Jewish nations will be cut down. This will be the greatest deceit to befall mankind and those who accept this wicked form of paganism will be swept away in the flood. And then, after the fires which will sweep the Earth, will rise My Church, again, into its full glorious form. This will be the end for sinners who refuse My Hand, but the beginning of Eternal Life for those who love Me.
Your Jesus

Love only comes from Me. Hatred does not

My dearly beloved daughter, it will be by the Power of Love that humanity can and will be saved. The Love I speak of is God’s Love, which flows in the hearts of mankind. God’s Love is present in the hearts of all His children, including those who deny Him. It will be your love for one another, which will sustain you during the trials, which lie ahead. Show love and charity to your neighbour and be kind to the poor, the weak and the helpless and I will make you Mine for eternity.
To those amongst you who deal harshly with others, who inflict pain on those over whom you rule and who whisper malice about others, you will be like empty vessels with nothing to offer Me. You must always follow My Teachings. Love only comes from Me. Hatred does not. Those who say they honour Me and speak evil of others, although they claim to uphold My Word and guard My Name – they do not honour Me. They insult Me and their shame will become evident on the Great Day. Never, for one moment, think that you can live without love in your hearts for others, for if you don’t have love for others then you deny the Gift, which is given freely to all of God’s children. When you love Me truly, you will treat others with love and respect. When you are cruel to others, speak ill of them or unfairly criticise them, then you reject the Love I bestow on you. In its place is hatred. Hatred for another human being comes from Satan. When you allow hatred to harden your soul, you distance yourself from Me and you will be deeply agitated within your soul.
When you love another in My Name, you will do this through your words, your deeds and acts of charity. Love of God, lived according to His wishes, through His children, can save humanity. Love conquers evil. Satan’s power is destroyed in an instant when you show love to others who treat you badly. You must work hard to allow love to envelop you, so that you can spread this great grace to others.
Love breeds love in others. Love brings life. Love brings forgiveness. Love destroys evil. Without love evil will thrive.
Your Jesus

God the Father: My Great Intervention to save humanity has commenced and the speed of My actions will be evident to all

My dearest daughter, the Spirit of God is being poured over the Earth in a way in which it has not been done before.
In order to prepare My dear children for the New Paradise, which lies waiting for them, I envelop them with the Spirit of Truth. Some will accept it, with open arms, and be grateful for such blessings. Others will refuse because they will not open their hearts.
My Great Intervention to save humanity has commenced and the speed of My actions will be evident to all. The miracles, permitted by Me, your Almighty Father, will be widespread and talked about. These will bring about more conversion. Then, just as the Spirit of My Love spreads, the actions by the evil one and his cohorts will increase.
My Hand will stop the evil actions of those who try to inflict war, disease, murder and abortion upon My children. My Hand will fall also on those who torment the loyal followers of My beloved Son and those who try to abolish His Presence in the Holy Eucharist.
Hear now My Call. All of My children will be drawn towards My Mercy. Those who reject My Son, reject Me. Those who insult My Son cannot come to Me. Those who denounce His Teachings and twist the Truth, reject My Existence. You cannot create your own laws and obey Me. Nor may you condone sin and expect to see My Face.
If sin does not decrease, I will punish those nations who are responsible for sins, which offend Me. Just as My Holy Spirit continues unabated, so also will My Intervention be to prevent sin from spreading.
All these changes will be seen at the same time. Soon afterwards, when every attempt by My Son, through His Church and His disciples, has been made to spread the Truth, the day will come when My Son’s Great Mercy will fall upon mankind. Then, not long after that, will come the Day of Judgement.
Prepare, My children, now for the day can come at any time. Only those who obey My Commandments, and show remorse for their sins, can and will be saved.
Your beloved Father
God the Most High

Those who followed the Word of God, laid down by the prophets before Me, were the first to spit at Me

My dearly beloved daughter, to those amongst My disciples who are suffering because of their belief in these Messages from Heaven, I have this to say.
Difficult though your suffering is, you must know that you have been blessed with My Gift, given to you to help open your eyes to the Truth. The abuse you will have to endure in My Name, because of your loyalty to these Messages, will come from those close to you. In particular, many sacred servants of Minewho refuse to seek Me out through this, My Holy Word, will cause you the most upset. You will be vilified, belittled, challenged, criticised and mocked, and yet these same people profess to speak in My Holy Name.
You must endure this pain just as My apostles and disciples had to bear it.During My time on earth, I was cast out of the Temples of God. My disciples were warned to keep away from Me or face banishment from the Church if they were seen with Me. When they spoke My Holy Word and spread My Teachings they were threatened and whipped in some cases. They were made spectacles of. Those who followed the Word of God, laid down by the prophets before Me, were the first to spit at Me. Their anger was caused by the fact that I spoke the Truth, for they did not want to hear the Truth. It frightened them and made them uncomfortable.
Filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit, My apostles were hated after My Ascension, by many who worshipped in the Temples. And, although their suffering was great, and the voices of opposition screamed loudly in their presence, it did not matter.
Nothing can prevent My Word from spreading. No voice will be loud enough. No argument will be credible enough. No venom will be strong enough. My Power is impossible to conquer. My Holy Spirit will draw billions of souls into the safety of My New Paradise. All voices of discontent will be quietened and all opposition will be suppressed, for the intervention of My Father will ensure that the brambles and boulders, which litter the Path of Truth, will be eradicated.
Only My Voice will remain. It will be the only Voice of Authority, which will be sustained and then the Great Day will come.
Your Jesus

My Word is the end. It is final. There can be no other word

My dearly beloved daughter, My remnant army will grow very quickly at this time and will spread to fifty-eight nations. There will be leaders among you and you must unite wherever you are, through the formation of Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups.
Bring all those who follow Me, first, into your fold and then set forth to draw all those who follow every kind of doctrine. I could never favour one soul over another. I desire that you tell all those who do not believe in Me and I promise them that they will be shown the Truth during The Warning. They will find it difficult to deny Me, for I will engulf their souls in a way which will surprise and shock them. My Holy Spirit will fall over every nation where My Prayer Groups are set up.
I will multiply the number of miracles, which have been witnessed already, where I have healed the minds, the spirit and the bodies of the wretched and sick amongst you. You will know Me by My Presence, which I will instil in those of you who ask for My favours. You are indeed blessed – you, the children of this generation, who have been chosen in such multitudes to enjoy eternal life in My Kingdom, which has no end. Death will be defeated by you. Evil will be devoured by your strength of perseverance and sin will no longer blight your souls.
My children, there is much work to be done. Allow Me to guide you through My Crusade Prayers, as they will open your eyes to the Truth. Once you can see the Truth, you will know in your hearts what to do. One word of advice – when you are rebuffed for speaking the Truth, you must remain silent. Pray for those souls, that they will also be given the grace to accept the Book of Truth.
My Word is the end. It is final. There can be no other word. Anyone who proclaims to speak in My Name, since this Mission commenced in November, 2010, does not have the authority to do so, for they do not come from Me. Those prophets who came before this, and who also speak in My Name, are blessed and I will continue to protect them. My Voice speaks to the world through these Messages. My beloved Mother, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, also speaks to her visionaries, and again her Mission is blessed by Me.
Know that Satan’s army includes a number of false prophets, who speak with a sweetness of voice. Soothing, loving and camouflaged with empty promises, they will say the exact opposite to what I tell you. Know that only My Voice will tell you the Truth. Only My Voice will tell you of events to come, which actually take place. No one else can, nor will be given the authority to, speak for Me, Jesus Christ or My beloved Father.
Take comfort with this revelation and know that only the Holy Trinity communicates in this way with a Fire, which will engulf all souls who are empty of pride and full of humble love for Me.
Your Jesus

The miracles I promised the world, through My Crusade Prayers, will increase

My dearly beloved daughter, it does not matter if you must endure pain because of the way in which you are rejected because of Me, for My Word will never die. It will rise and become louder until, like a powerful wind, it will increase in intensity until the roar of My Voice will peal out like thunder across the Earth. There will be very few who will not hear My Voice and even those who reject Me will continue to speak of Me. They will find it impossible to ignore.
Like any child begotten of its mother, God’s children – including those who refuse to acknowledge Him – will be drawn towards Him, for they cannot help it. Like a new baby who bonds with its mother, every child of God will recognise his own through touch, sound and smell. God’s children will sense when the Presence of God touches their souls. Just as I know My own, so also will those who love Me respond to My call.
My daughter, the Holy Will of God is Powerful and will defeat all those who oppose the Word of God. When you feel that there is so much opposition and so much hatred towards this Mission, you must always be comforted by My solemn promise. That is to save all souls, so that My New Paradise can be presented to humanity soon and with as little suffering as possible. Suffering can be reduced through the prayers of My remnant army, because I bequeath to them special graces.
The miracles I promised the world, through My Crusade Prayers, will increase and many will witness healings and conversions. It will be through these miracles that I will make Myself known, even to the most hardened of sceptics. It will be through the Crusade Prayers that servants of My Christian churches will be shown My Mercy and soon many of them will be given the proof of the authenticity of these Messages.
My Will will be done and no man will stop it. Many will oppose My Will, scream abuse at My Word and spit at you, My daughter, but their hatred will be wiped out and soon they will open their hearts, for they will be in no doubt that it is their Master Who calls them. I Am the Vessel through which they will be purified. It will be through Me that they will be given the only possible protection from the antichrist. My protection must be sought out and the Seal of the Living God must be given to as many souls as possible.
Listen to My instructions and all will be well. Ignore My warnings and try to fight the injustices, which will be widespread when the world is run by the hand of the beast, on your own and you will not be strong enough. Accept My Gifts and you will remain standing, safe in the knowledge that I Am protecting you and your family and friends.
Your Jesus

The only water necessary for the survival of God’s children will come from the Tree of Life

My dearly beloved daughter, blessed are those who respond to the True Word of God, for they will be the first to arise and enter My New Kingdom.
Those who have not been given My Holy Word, including those countries where I Am condemned, are the first souls I must reach out to. Through no fault of their own, they have been reared from birth to deny God, the Maker and Creator of all that is. I will strive to convert them through this Mission and promise that once they are shown the Truth, during The Warning, that they will be drawn into My Mercy quickly. I will never forsake those who have been deceived, through false doctrines, for they are helpless and are in need of My Love and Mercy.
My desire is that My followers now prepare to climb the ladder, a long and difficult climb, towards spiritual perfection. Those of you who have been blessed with the Gift of discernment by My Voice, contained in The Book of Truth, have a duty to Me. This is what you must do. Use the Gift I have given you, to prepare for the spiritual perfection which is required of you, now as I build My remnant army on Earth. Your responsibility is to help those who are too weak, too proud and too stubborn to accept My Hand of Mercy. It will be through you that I will be able to grant all souls, including those who are not worthy of My Mercy, the salvation needed to live forever in My Glory.
Oh how wonderful is this glorious New Kingdom of Mine. If you could only see it, not one amongst you would ever utter another word against Me. This will be your new home, the place where you and your family will enjoy eternal ecstasy, peace, love and joy, mingling with all that is created by My Father for your happiness. Think of it as a new dwelling, similar to the way in which the Earth was created, only this New Heaven and New Earth will have no sea. The only water necessary for the survival of God’s children will come from the Tree of Life, where all life will be sustained.
Every need will be catered for and love will abound so that no discontent of any kind will exist. Laughter, love, joy, colour, and fine things, which no man has ever seen during his time on Earth, will be plentiful. Happiness, which is beyond your grasp on Earth, will be a Gift to each of you who is given the key to My Kingdom.
The life ahead of you is adorned with great Gifts and you will remain in a constant state of peace with love for Me. I will reign in union with all God’s children and not one of you will want for anything, so great is My Love. This is the only life you must strive for, as no other life will exist after the Great Day when I come for you.
Your Jesus

My dearest wish is that you seek out the souls of the young

My dearly beloved daughter, My Love for those young people of every nation, colour and creed, who do not acknowledge Me, is everlasting. My sorrow for these little souls of Mine is deep. They are to be prayed for, especially now. I will take them into My Mercy, without hesitation, if you ask Me through this Crusade Prayer.
Crusade Prayer (106) Mercy for the young who don’t acknowledge God
Dear Jesus, take under Your protection the souls of these children of God who do not know You, who do not acknowledge Your Love and who do not accept Your Promise.
Pour out Your grace of conversion and give them eternal life.
Be merciful to all those who do not believe in Your Presence and who will not seek remorse for their sins. Amen.
My beloved Remnant Army, My dearest wish is that you seek out the souls of the young, the agnostics and those who do not believe in God. They are your priority. I ask you to draw all nations, creeds, colours and religions into My Protection. When you bring Me such souls, I will give them great Gifts and promise their salvation.
It is important that you do not ignore those who have no interest in their salvation. They are the lost souls I yearn for and I will follow them into every corner, every crevice and every country until I can draw them into My Kingdom.
Remember this request. Remember My desire is to reach out to those who don’t know Me and to those who don’t want to know Me.
Your Jesus

The plague will be more widespread than AIDS

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My dearly beloved daughter, how you have been distracted and allowed yourself to be taken out of My Sight for the last two days. Don’t you know what created this diversion? By missing just a day of Eucharist Adoration, you were taken and abused in My Name, without protecting yourself as I have instructed. My instruction is that you continue to come before Me daily, and to recite the most Holy Rosary, so that My Mother can cover you with the protection you need in this Work.
So many who are close to Me gain a confidence which leads them to believe that no amount of suffering will stop them when they carry out My Mission, but this is only made possible when you call on Me to guide you.
My daughter, the beginning of a plague will soon be seen, as My Father will cast upon the Earth a punishment on those nations who insult Him and who allow wickedness and injustice to be inflicted on poor innocent people. This plague will be visible on the face and the sores will not be healed until the Great Chastisement is over. The plague will be more widespread than AIDS and will be one of the first signs of the coming Chastisement. This will then be followed by a famine in one third of the Earth and will be witnessed during the reign of the antichrist.
As the rule of the antichrist spreads like a spider’s web, so will it be matched by a series of chastisements poured over the four corners of the world by the Hand of My Father. Divine intervention will help to stop souls from being snatched by the beast through the power of the antichrist. His followers will suffer an agonising punishment and it will be seen on their faces through the plague. They will not escape this severe punishment nor will those who carry out the wicked deceit over My Church on Earth.
This Warning is being given so that those who doubt My Hand of Justice will understand, eventually, that men will suffer as they did in the day of Noah should they turn their back on God.
The final insult against My Father, through the sin of war and abortion, will draw down His greatest punishment upon humanity. The life of the unborn child, taken away so cruelly, and without remorse, will be punishable by death of the body and death of the soul.
Your Jesus

Mother of God: The Mission you have been given is the final link in the Final Covenant

My dear child, I have revealed to you, during this very special apparition today, the secret of my Heart and how it is entwined with the Sacred Heart of my beloved Son.My Heart beats in union with His and as Co-Redemptrix, I will work to bring so many of God’s children into the New Era of Peace.
As the Mother of God, I have been given power over the beast, and all those who invoke my help will be granted great protection from Him. Because of this special power, given to me by my Son, every attempt will be made to dishonour my Name during the reign of the beast. Public events will be organised to honour my wishes of uniting all God’s children. Sadly, not all of them will respect the Truth.
I have revealed the Truth at La Salette, in France, and at Fatima, in Portugal, yet many do not understand what it is that I explained. Soon, the prophecies foretold will become a reality and then the hatred, which the evil one has for me, will be manifested in special ceremonies, which will be insulting to God.
My Son has created a very special plan, which has been crafted to every single detail, in order to ensure that the world is given the Truth about the enemies of God. He does this because only the Truth can save the human race. Should God’s children follow lies and become involved with deceit, borne of the plan of the antichrist, then, they will turn their backs on my Son and their own salvation.
The Mission you have been given, my child, is the final link in the final Covenant, which my Son must complete in obedience to my Father, God the Most High. It will be the instrument by which souls will be salvaged from the grasp of Satan and his evil army on Earth. Because of this, the hatred shown to you through the words, deeds and actions of others will be cruel and fierce. The anger shown against you will be like no other and you must understand that this is to be expected. My Son’s Work, in these times, will be bitterly opposed and He and His Church on Earth will have to endure a final Crucifixion before the resurrection, promised to all those who believe in my Son, takes place.
The hatred is real and the evil one will turn the minds of even those chosen souls and visionaries against you, my child. Never feel sad for yourself or those souls, because the suffering of my Son is ten times worse. It is my Son, the Saviour and Redeemer of mankind, Who died for the sins of man, Who is still hated with a passion, which is borne out of anger and orchestrated by Satan. It is my Son Who is the subject of such attacks and when they fling insults at you, my child, they scourge Him all over again.
You must rise, all of you, and do as my Son tells you, as you have been chosen to form His Remnant Army. When you suffer in His Name, it is for the glory of God and the salvation of humanity. When the New Heaven and the New Earth become one, such suffering will cease and all will sing praise to God.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of God
Mother of Salvation

When you have been given the Truth, it is important that you continue to spread the Word of God

My dearly beloved daughter, those who are innocent of offending Me deliberately, because they are ignorant of My Word, will be given the guidance they need, soon.
For all those who know the Truth of My Word, given to man 2,000 years ago, you must know that, while you squabble amongst yourselves, millions of souls are being lost. So many, guilty of mortal sin, commit these acts because of the infestation of the evil one. If they knew the Truth of My promise of eternal life, many would not participate in these acts.  
When you have been given the Truth, it is important that you continue to spread the Word of God. You must do this by showing love and respect for the lives of others. This means adhering to My Father’s Commandment: ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ Then it is your duty to ensure that the life of man is treated with respect in the Glory of God.
You must remind others of this Gift of eternal life, at those times when you know that those who deny God need your help. Your help, through prayer and guidance, can save these souls. I need so much of your time, My beloved followers. You must be generous of your time in the salvation of souls. Please continue to recite My Crusade Prayers, for I promise conversion to millions of lost souls when they are said.
Do not allow the attacks by the evil one, who will continue to cast a cloud over these Messages, to distract you. Accept these attacks for what they are, an attempt by Satan and all the wicked spirits who roam the Earth, to prevent God’s children from obtaining the glorious inheritance that awaits them.
I ask also that you be generous of heart and pray for those who have turned against Me, in this, My final Mission on Earth before the Great Day.
Your Jesus

Do not try to reason with the mind when trying to justify My Existence for I Am not of this world

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My dearly beloved daughter, the pain of separation from Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, is unknown to many, but when the day comes, when My Light will die towards the end, it will become clear how wretched the agony is.
Those who know Me and who love Me, know what the pain brings, when sin forms a barrier between the sinner and God.
Those who don’t know Me,  and those who reject Me, will experience this separation during the final three days of darkness, when the Presence of God will be nowhere to be found.
It will only be when the Light of God disappears, that man will finally understand that there is no life without God. All that is left is a void, a wilderness and darkness.
I Am the Light, which man seeks out, unbeknown to him, every second of every day.
As man strives to find peace and happiness he will try to find it anywhere he thinks he can. He will use the pursuit of worldly material gain and lust of the flesh to satisfy needs, which can never be met and he will follow false religions, which promise great personal satisfaction. None of these things will bring him into the Light of God.
Even those who seek answers, through intellectual means and knowledge, will never find the peace or the answers they seek, unless they open their hearts to the True Love of God.
I come to each of those who seek Me out. I delight in souls whose eager simplicity seeks only My Love. I shower such people with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. To come closer to Me you must trust Me completely. It is only when you abandon your will to Mine, that My Presence can be felt. To those people who try to find Me, but who find it difficult, I say this to them.
Do not try to reason with the mind when trying to justify My Existence, for I Am not of this world. Do not blind yourself to the existence of eternal life. It awaits you, if you could only trust Me and let Me come into your heart and soul. I will make Myself known to you. All you must do is call Me. You must call out to Me soon, for when My Presence on the earth dwindles, it will be impossible for you to seek Me out and you will wander in helpless anguish trying to find Me.
Those who think that they are strong in their faith and who believe they are close to Me, must know how quickly they will fall when I Am nowhere to be found in the tabernacles of the future. Once that terrible day of desolation comes, there will be cries of despair and the power of the beast will be such that many souls will be too weak to uphold My Holy Word.
You must ask for My help and you will be given it. Call Me with a humble spirit and I will answer you. Beg Me to protect you and I will cover you with My Precious Blood, so that nothing will stop you on the path of Truth, which leads to eternal salvation.
Serve Me by your own interpretation, as to how I should be served, and you will need to be careful. Do as I have told you. Live your life according to My Word and I will carry you. Dishonour Me by using My Holy Word in a way which brings suffering to others, and you will suffer the greatest pain of separation from Me.
Your Jesus

It was the sin of pride which caused Lucifer to fall and to be cut off and thrown into the abyss

My dearly beloved daughter, as My Word reaches many ears, I come to warn those amongst you who will not listen to Me. What do you fear? Is it My Word or the changes which you will have to witness as the purification continues? Don’t you know that I do not bring you new Teachings, for this is not necessary?  I only communicate with you to remind you of the Truth.
So many of you believe you know so much about Me, but you have learned nothing. Who are you to say you are better than others in the Eyes of God, when it comes to interpreting My Holy Word? Who are you to believe that you have the authority to blaspheme against Me, and then say that you love Me? You will not be able to stop Me through the prophets, in reaching out to God’s children. You must ask why it is that you hate My Voice? How can you love Me when you tear My Words apart, when all I Am doing is to help you prepare for My Great Day?
Man is very weak. Even those devout souls are weak, though their love for Me is strong. Let no man believe that he can ever walk before Me without the shame of sin on his soul. Not one amongst you is worthy to stand before Me, yet I grant you the Mercy of My Love. It is not that you are deserving of this, it is simply because I chose to grant you this Gift.
To those of you who claim to speak with great knowledge of Me and then spit with a cursed tongue against My prophet – know this. Your faith will not save you when you curse the Word of God. Your self-proclaimed love of God is meaningless when you judge one of His children before Him. You are cutting the umbilical cord, which binds you to My Father, when you show disrespect, anger and hatred towards Me. When you spit at Me, you will become blind and will never see again. When you utter words of hatred, your tongue will be cut out. When you stand up and declare to all your self-proclaimed knowledge of God, you will fall with your legs cut from under you. When you deem My prophet to be evil, you will have no life.
My Word will never die; it will live for eternity. It will trample on those sinners who try to defy the Mercy of God, through these Messages. Reject Me this time and you reject the freedom I bring when I come to gather you, finally, into My Kingdom. You don’t have much time to redeem yourselves in My Eyes before the Great Day. Don’t waste it through the sin of pride. It was the sin of pride which caused Lucifer to fall and to be cut off and thrown into the abyss. All those who follow him, through the sin of pride – the sin which causes so much separation from God – will fall and never rise in the Presence of God.
Your Jesus

The seemingly authentic views they will present, will be seen as a new form of Catholicism

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My dearly beloved daughter, the diabolical plan to destroy the Catholic Church from within is already taking place. Everything sacred to God will be thrown aside, and those heads of the newly renovated, modern church, soon to be presented for all to see, will be liberal in their views but they will be enemies of the Truth.
The seemingly authentic views they will present, will be seen as a new form of Catholicism. Many Christians will say, what has this to do with me? When My Church, founded by My apostle Peter, is dismantled in this way, it will affect all those who follow Me. When My Word and My Teachings are taken apart and then made acceptable to the selfish needs of man, even though they be lies, they will, in time, be deemed to be the Truth.
The lies, presented to the world because of the diabolical infestation, will be treated by all Christian churches as being acceptable in their eyes. Not one Christian church will escape this attack – an attack, which has been deliberately and carefully planned for over a century.
Make no mistake, when My Word is tampered with, the Truth will be torn asunder. Lies infest the soul. When this happens, people will, unwittingly, follow a path which will end in despair. I urge all who listen to Me now, to keep focussed on the Truth at all times.  You must not accept any changes which you will be asked to accept as part of a new church, which does not come from Me.
Your Jesus

They will be accused of crimes against the Seat of Peter and will be publicly humiliated in My Holy Name

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My dearly beloved daughter, the Church will be deserted by many in the highest echelons, with many adopting new false doctrines which will lead them into the realm of darkness.
Those who remain loyal to Me, and those who reject the abomination, will be guided by Peter the Apostle, who sat in the first Seat of Rome. He will guide My beloved Benedict, who will, as foretold, help them to see the Truth. He will have to witness the horror, but he will be supported by those who have sworn allegiance to the One True Word of God.
And so the schism will begin. Those who follow the false doctrine, where I, Jesus Christ, am not revered, will be torn to shreds by the beast and his demons. Those innocent servants of Mine, who have not accepted these Messages so far, will now come running to Me for comfort. My prophecies do not lie, and very soon many of these poor souls will be cast away from the Holy See. They will be accused of crimes against the Seat of Peter and will be publicly humiliated in My Holy Name.
I say this to them. Remain calm and be at peace, for when you follow the Truth you will be saved. You must never accept a watered-down doctrine, which will be empty of My Authority. To those who accept lies, in the belief that you are doing your duty, you must understand that you will have to face a difficult road. You have two choices. Remain in the Light of God, or turn your back on My Holy Sacraments.
Soon, many of you will see clearly what I have warned you about. The schism will be vicious and a war will ensue between Truth and lies. It will bring the Catholic Church down, until it resembles a heap of stones, but the One True Church will remain standing tall, as My faithful servants build up My Remnant Army. They will fight until the bitter end to uphold the Holy Word of God.
Your Jesus

The sin of abortion is a mortal one and those responsible will burn in the fires of Hell for eternity

My dearly beloved daughter, this intervention by Me, the Lamb of God, by revealing to the world these Messages, has been foretold.
Those of you who follow the Word of God must be at peace, as I do not want you to distance yourself, for I love you. You must never fear My Love, even if sin separates you from Me. I open the eyes of all who want to see and My Holy Word will shut the eyes of those who refuse to accept My Hand. I hold out My Hand to you, My beloved children, so that I can pull you to safety, away from the vultures who wish to devour your souls.
Every day, from this day forward, you will hear many voices shouting – demanding that you listen. They will present you with diabolical lies and arguments, disguised with the sweetness of honey. Coaxing you, with a never-ending barrage of arguments, to hear their reasoning, in the name of humanitarian causes – which condone sin – they will not stop until you accept what they wish to force you to swallow.
Abortion, murder in the Eyes of God, will be forced upon all nations as a sign of defiance against the Almighty Father, God the Most High. When you condone this wicked abomination, you are guilty of terrible sin. The sin of abortion is a mortal one and those responsible will burn in the fires of Hell for eternity.
To those of you who refuse to accept this grave error, you have little time left to secure salvation. For when the great day comes, unless you have turned your back on this wicked act, you will never see the Face of God.
Murder is one of the most serious acts of defiance against God and it will be punishable by castration. The great divide, amongst the human race, has begun. Those who side with the beast and condone all that defies the Word of God will be separated from their brothers and sisters. Do not underestimate My Warning. Accept abortion and you accept the deliberate killing of a child of God. If you cannot find remorse in your soul, then you will never see Me. I will cast you into the wilderness.
My Love and Mercy may be great. I will forgive the most blackened of souls, but without remorse, My Justice is final. My punishment is eternal. Love Me and I will cherish you. Destroy the life of another human being, created by the Love of My Father, and you too, will lose your life.
Your Jesus

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