Thursday 26 March 2015

July 2011 Messages

You do not belong to Satan, you belong to Me and My Eternal Father

My dearly beloved daughter, there are times when you think you will not be able to endure the trials you receive because of My Messages, but you must not fear. Fear is not something that you need to feel. If you can first, let Me take away your fears by trusting in Me completely, you will be free.
O how My children have forgotten the power of the Divine Realm, My daughter. If they could only, for one moment, put down their shield, they would be able to see clearly, parts of My Divine plan for mankind unfold. This shield, the shield of human intelligence driven by human logic, which in turn is ignited by the advances that man has made through science, is nothing but hay. It seems solid, but it is empty of substance. Yet man believes that it provides protection against the Truth, the Truth of God’s Divine Presence.
Your shield, My children, which blocks Me and My Teachings from your life will be your downfall. It will, in time, offer you no protection and will burn so fast, so instantly, just like straw, that you will become naked. Your nakedness will eventually reveal to you the deceit of Satan and all his empty promises of worldly security, which does not really exist. Man’s stubbornness to accept the Existence of My Eternal Father will be the cause of his banishment into the darkness.
When you see My Light, the Flames of My Love, materialise in the skies, shortly, let you be in no doubt. This will not be an illusion. It will be a reality and you must humble yourselves to open your eyes to the Truth. Do not turn your eyes away or cower in fear. My Presence must be greeted by you as your last chance for salvation. It is I Who comes to envelop you in My Arms. It is I, your Saviour, who once again comes to bring you back from the brink of darkness and despair. I have told you I will never forsake you. I will never leave you at the mercy of Satan, for you do not belong to him. You belong to Me and My Eternal Father, your Creator.

When you see My Flames of Glory in the skies, be joyful. Any doubts you ever had about the Existence of God the Father will disappear. To benefit from the graces that The Warning will bring to your soul, so that you can be saved, you must appear little in My Eyes and ask Me to forgive you for your sins. My Love will then flood your soul and you will come back to Me and your rightful home. Resist My Mercy out of arrogance or intellectual reasoning and you will be lost.
Await now My Mercy with joy and enthusiasm, for you will become whole again. You will be reborn.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Pray for the souls of those facing damnation, who will not survive The Warning

My daughter, the spiritual dryness you have been going through over the past few days, when you found it impossible to pray, was the deceiver trying to pull you away from Me.
Now that you have given your final pledge to become a victim soul to My Eternal Father to help Me save souls, you will now be offered extra protection to prevent the deceiver from distracting you.
The time now has come for a great amount of prayer in this your final chance, children, to help save those souls who will not survive The Warning. Please heed My call to pray hard for those poor, lost children during the month of August, designated Salvation of Souls Month.
Spread the word to prayer groups everywhere to follow My instruction for daily Mass, daily Eucharist and one day’s fasting a week, for the entire month. Do not underestimate the power that your prayers will have when it comes to saving souls.
Start by praying for those members of your own family who are in sin, or who are non-believers. They include close friends and acquaintances, who have turned their back on My Teachings willingly and who inflict injustice on others. They need your prayers now.
Now is the time for quiet reflection as the day for The Warning draws nearer. Silent, uninterrupted prayer and devotion is called for and I command that My sacred servants everywhere lead My children to pray for the souls of the damned. Only prayer can help them now, especially the recital of My Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Unite in love for Me.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Message from Virgin Mary: 'Victim Soul'

My child, it is with great joy that I come to help guide you in your Mission to help my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save even more souls. Your final surrender to offer to the Most High, God the Father, your agreement to become a victim soul is accepted with great joy in the Heavens.
You, my child, are now going to help save those souls who would otherwise have been destined for the pits of darkness. This offering will be rewarded with special graces to give you the strength to endure trials with greater ease. Your spirit, my child, will now be strengthened so that matters pertaining to the materialistic world will matter little in your eyes.
Always call on me, your Mother and mentor, to bring you into the Bosom of my precious, beloved Son, Jesus Christ and God the Most High. Pray now to prepare adequately to consecrate yourself properly for this important challenge.
I will always cover you with my Holy Mantle and you, my sweet child, will always be close to my Heart.
Your beloved Mother
Queen of the Angels

Call to priests and nuns in the Roman Catholic Church

My dearly beloved daughter, word is now spreading rapidly as foretold, regarding The Warning.
My poor sacred servants are suffering, My daughter. Please ask all who read My Messages to pray hard for all those sacred servants – priests, nuns, pastors and all those who head up Christian congregations all over the world.
The Catholic Church is being persecuted beyond its endurance. Satan and his army have attacked the Roman Catholic Church through infestation. It is his desire to undermine My Church through the wickedness of clerical abuse, which has led to this terrible situation.
The poor children who suffered sexual abuse were attacked by the minions of Satan, who were present in those sacred servants who allowed themselves to be seduced by the evil one.
Satan walks in My Church because he wants to bring about its downfall. As for My poor, innocent nuns and priests, they too are victims of the prejudice at the hands of those who blame the sins of others upon them.
My pleas to My beloved priests, nuns and sacred servants are this. Do not give up. Remember, by your trials you will be raised in My Eyes if you can endure these prejudices. Let Me wipe away your tears now, for you are being persecuted in a way never before experienced by My Church.
You, My beloved servants, are My apostles and must never give in to these external pressures. You must never give up your calling to follow Me. For remember, I Am your Church. I weep Tears of great sadness for you. You are now suffering for the sins of your brothers and sisters, who succumbed to the evil one. Pray, pray, pray for courage now to stand up with dignity to impart My Holy Word.
I need your support, more than ever. I need you to administer the Sacraments to a starving and disillusioned congregation. Please do not desert Me especially at this time when Satan has infiltrated the Christian Church with his followers.
Turn now and pray hard to salvage yourselves from the false prophet, who walks in the corridors of power, within the Vatican. He will rise shortly. Do not turn to him or you will be lost to Me forever. This is My promise. Kneel down in humility and call on the Holy Spirit to enlighten your soul so that you will be able to discern the Truth from the lies, which you will be forced to swallow, by the false prophet.
Never be disillusioned with the trials you endure. Accept them, for what they will offer you – strength of mind and soul. Then you will lead My children to the end times with humility, dignity and strength. Be brave now. I Am guiding you. Turn now and pray for extra graces to make you stronger in your Divine Mission.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Satan is powerless against My devoted followers

My beloved daughter, it is with great joy that I once again tell you of the conversion now taking place in the world, as more atrocities are being committed by man, through the influence of Satan, more of My children are beginning to question the levels of murderous intent now prevalent in your world. As more evil is presented to you, so too will the realization that Satan ,does in fact, exist. For those who do not believe he exists then let Me explain how you can spot his evil works.
Every time My children witness murder, suicide, war, corruption of governments and those in power, greed, arrogance and injustices, know that these deeds are the manifestation of Satan. The evil one has become desperate now, to poison My children’s minds. He will do everything he can at this time in history so intense is his rage. You, My children, are his targets. While he finds it easy to infect souls, who leave themselves wide open to his influence – those who continually seek self-glory on Earth – he is finding it increasingly difficult to dampen the spirit of My devoted followers. So blessed are they, through the Gift of the Holy Spirit, that he, Satan, is powerless against them.
For all those who obey My instruction of prayer they will become stronger in mind and spirit. Then they will not care whether Satan lashes out at them in fury, for their shield of armour is so strong. This does not mean he will not use every method to seduce you through the desires of the flesh. This does not mean he will not hurt you by whispering into the ears of those close to you and those whom you love. Stand firm, My followers, for it will be through your strength that he will be crushed forever. He, My children, will become powerless as conversion spreads. For how can he get you to drink from his evil cup of hatred for mankind, when you do not thirst for all his empty promises? The stronger you are the less he will bother you.
Know now that when you witness global unrest, it is the deceiver at work. My followers now know instantly the wickedness of Satan when his works are so glaringly obvious. Pray that your brothers and sisters will also bear witness to his evil works and recognize them for what they are. It is only when non-believers finally accept that Satan exists that they will turn to Me for refuge.
Pray now for global conversion, the conversion that will come about, not just because of The Warning, but because of the Truth.
Your beloved Teacher and Saviour
Jesus Christ

Prayer for each day

Prayer for each day (Received Sunday, July 24th, 2011 23:00 hours)
I love and cherish each of you children. Never forget that. When you pray to Me each day say this prayer
Oh my precious Jesus embrace me in your arms and allow my head to rest upon your shoulders so that you can raise me up to your glorious Kingdom when the time is right. Allow your precious blood to flow over my heart that we can be united as one.

God the Father will destroy the plot to overthrow currencies

My dearly beloved daughter, My followers’ devotion and allegiance to Me and My Eternal Father is already making a big difference. You, My children, must know that your devotion burns flames of such magnitude in My Heart that it feels like it will burst with Love for you. Heaven rejoices now at the way you, My beloved children, honour Me with such a passion and devotion. You know in your soul that it is I Who speaks. It is I Who brings a feeling of such love and tenderness in your heart.
I have a Message for all of you, children, who follow My most Holy Divine Word on this website. In a modern world, this is how I must communicate. This and other communication channels will be used to ensure My Word is heard and felt by all believers, non-believers and those who don’t know Me at all.
Please know that every effort you make, out of your love for Me, is having an impact. I hear every single one of you. I know the joy that I have brought to your soul. I welcome the way in which your work is spreading My Word. I will reward each and every one of you with special graces and favours. Please ask Me to hear your prayers. Come to Me. I will hear your call.
Already the work of the New World Order is beginning to fall apart at the seams. This is down to prayers – your prayers. God the Eternal Father will destroy those who continue to inflict their hideous plot to overthrow currencies in the world, as well as, those political leaders they are trying to dispose of. His Hand will now continue to strike out to protect you, children.
Please, I call you all to tell as many influential voices, including the media, about these Messages. Many will consider you to be delusional when you speak of these Messages. Have no fear, for the graces you will receive in doing this work far exceeds the initial abuse you will endure.
Go forward now, My beloved children, with love and joy in your hearts. For My Word is to be welcomed. At last you know that I walk with you, so that I can strengthen the bonds of love for all My followers, whom I chose to become close to My Sacred Heart. My Precious Blood spilled so willingly for each of you, so that you could be saved, covers you every single day.
You are My beloved army and together we will rise to bring all your brothers and sisters back into their rightful, glorious home again.
I love and cherish each of you, children. Never forget that when you pray to Me each day, say this prayer:
“O my precious Jesus, embrace me in Your Arms and allow my head to rest upon Your Shoulders, so that you can raise me up to Your Glorious Kingdom when the time is right. Allow Your Precious Blood to flow over my Heart that we can be united as one.”
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

August, 2011 – Salvation of Souls Month

My beloved daughter, you make Me so happy. Your total surrender now means that I can save more souls everywhere. A victim soul, My daughter, is not entirely clear to you as to its full meaning, but in time, it will be. By then, you will be so strong that to suffer for Me will bring you joy, not sadness. It will not be easy, but then working for Me, your beloved Saviour, cannot be easy.
It was by the inspiration of God, My Eternal Father, that you were encouraged to make this final sacrifice for Me. This is a very special grace, My daughter, although it won’t appear to be in human terms, for My graces are not always about bringing joy and happiness into your life. They can bring suffering, but at the same time, provide you with a real insight into My Glorious Kingdom.
Many, many people in the world form My precious army. They will, through prayer, personal suffering and the spread of My Word, save souls. The stronger My army is at saving souls, the less the impact will be of the Chastisement.
I ask all My children to spend the month of August praying the Divine Mercy daily for the lost souls who will not survive The Warning. One day of fasting a week is also required, as well as, daily Mass and the receiving of My Most Holy Eucharist.
If enough of you do this, in which I call “Salvation of Souls” month, then millions of souls will be saved throughout the world. Do this for Me, children, and you will become part of My Glorious Kingdom. Your souls, at the point of death, will join Me in Paradise. That is My most solemn promise.
I love you, children. Now go and form the most powerful army in the world, the Army of Love, the Army of Salvation.
Your loving Saviour
Redeemer of Mankind
Jesus Christ

No man will fail to hear My Son’s Word before the time comes for His return

Second Message from God the Father
I come in the Name of My beloved Precious Son, Jesus Christ.
My chosen daughter, while you sometimes falter in your attention to My beloved Son’s call to hear Him speak, you have risen in My Eyes because of the gift you have given Him. Your gift of becoming a victim soul to help save millions of souls makes Him weep with joy and relief; for so many souls are being lost to the fires of Hell every day, every second and for every breath you take.
My Son requires your total submission now, My daughter. Do not hesitate to obey His every command. Your heart is full of love and compassion, not just for My Precious Son, but for all My children. Touched by the Holy Spirit, you will now feel instant love for strangers in whom you will see My Light. You, My daughter, have now been given the graces to see both the love and evil in all. You will also be able to quickly discern sin in poor, misguided souls.
For this Work now means that you must surround yourself with every protection. I will, My daughter, protect you and your loved ones, for now, you will be targeted more forcibly by the evil one. Pray and ask Me for this protection every day now and you will be spared the intensity of the persecution. You must now call on Me to help you spread these Messages, so that My Son’s Voice is heard and revered in the way it should.
My messenger, My daughter, you have little understanding yet as to what is required of you. Only so much information can be given to you at a time. You will now be inspired by Me and you will fulfil, with My guidance, the prophecies foretold, when My Son’s Word will be spread, just like the Holy Gospel, to mankind. No man will fail to hear My Son’s Word before the time comes for His return. You have been given this task and for this Gift you must bow your head in appreciation of this glorious request from the Heavens.
My daughter, you will be assisted in every way, but you must obey My Son at all times. Rise now, My daughter, for man needs to hear the Word of Warning that My Son imparts, so that souls do not have to suffer the torments of Hell, should they die in mortal sin, without first being given the chance to be Redeemed by My Son during The Warning.
Let My peace flood your soul now. My Heart surrounds every move you make. Never feel you are alone in this Work, for you are being guided every minute of the day.
God the Father

You are now in the middle of the Tribulation

My daughter, you are, as you know, the most unlikely visionary because of your lack of knowledge of Holy matters. Yet you are the chosen messenger. You must understand that you will be unable to defend My Messages with any real authority so therefore keep silent when asked to define My Messages.
You will be provoked and challenged to become involved with religious, and especially eschatology arguments, but you must no longer respond, or provide your own interpretation of the answers. Because of this Work you will be disliked. Spiritual jealousy will arise among My followers, especially theologians and those who have studied Scripture all their lives, so keep silent, for you do not have the knowledge, nor, as I have told you before, the authority to do so.
Just follow My instructions and keep to yourself. Respond to prayer requests, by all means, and help bring My followers and devotees who have pledged their support to this Work together.
Time is short now. Everything is going to happen quickly. The Warning is close now so there is not much time left to pray for those poor souls who will be lost. By reciting My Divine Mercy, dedicated to those particular souls, many millions will be saved.
You are now, My children, in the middle of what is called the Tribulation, as foretold in My Holy Book. The second part, the Great Tribulation will commence as I have said, before the end of 2012. This is not meant to instil fear in you, My daughter, but to make you aware of the urgency for My children to pray for My help.
Already, through the prayers of My visionaries all over the world, the power of the New World Order, driven by masonic forces, is beginning to dilute and unravel before your very eyes. Many more of these power-hungry global organizations will be brought to their knees in humility, as they answer not only to God the Father, for their wickedness, but to those to whom they have a responsibility on this Earth.
Watch now as the clusters of powerful groups try to outdo each other, cover-up their own sins and hide the Truth from those they fear in high places. Prayer, My children, is bringing this about. God the Father is striking out now to punish these people before they can inflict the evil plan they are preparing to control My children.
This is a painful time, children, for Satan’s influence has never been so powerful in these last days of his reign on Earth. Fight his evil ways, children – all of you. Just look at the havoc he is causing when he turns brother against brother, country against country, creates hatred amongst all of you and disrespect for each other’s lives. And then there is the sheer hatred he instils in My children for Me, their beloved Saviour. The hatred he stirs up for My Father has reached epidemic proportions. The most powerful form of hatred shown to My Father is for man to deny He Exists.
How you must feel the anguish, children, that you have to face in the world today. No man can ignore the deep disquieting unrest spurred by Satan and his millions of demons infiltrated throughout the world. My Love will now be proven to you all. Through My Warning, I come once more to save you through the Mercy of God the Father. Believe in Me and My Eternal Father, and you will have nothing to fear. Ignore what is happening and you will fail to prepare adequately.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Your weapon of choice is your love for Me

My dearly beloved daughter, thankfully you are now settling back into a routine, having taken a small break. You will become stronger as a result, but please remember that you still must focus on Me at all times.
My Love for all My children is very powerful and is quite different to the love one talks about loosely in this world. My children feel My Love when they open the door to Me when I knock. When I come to their door, they have two choices. They can either, open the door and allow Me in, or they can shut Me out. When they do allow Me to enter their souls, My Love penetrates their being. It is a Love they find that can make them feel weak with surprise, so intense is it, or joyful, to the extent they cannot stop telling others their good news.
For My beloved followers who love Me, know this. Because of your love and devotion to Me, I allow My Love to radiate from you so that it becomes infectious and spreads to embrace other souls. Once you allow Me into your hearts I will fill you with the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that you can tell everyone what it is I need to tell you now.
First of all, I love you with a deep tenderness in My Heart. Secondly, because of My Love, I will now eradicate evil in the world so that I can bring all My children back into the embrace of your ever-Loving Creator, God the Father.
Please, none of you, My devoted followers, must allow fear to enter your hearts as The Warning draws closer by the week. For when this great Act of My Mercy takes place, you will rejoice. For My Gift to you is that you will become closer to My Heart than before. This will make you so strong that you will sail, without hesitation, towards the New Paradise on Earth, so smooth will the transition be.
My Love is now more powerful than ever, as you, My beloved followers, do all you can to spread My Word. Use what means you can to tell people to prepare for The Warning. You are brave, My children, and you bring joy and happiness into My Sorrowful Heart, which yearns every second to save all My lost souls.
I Am relying on you now to pray as hard as you can, for sinners who will not withstand the test that The Warning presents them. Go now, My strong, loving army. Your weapon of choice is your love for Me. You will know in your heart it is I Who speaks and that it is I Who now knocks on your door. You must now knock on the doors of My sacred servants all over the world and make sure they read My Holy Word.
Your beloved Saviour and Redeemer
Jesus Christ

Any man who claims to be Me is a liar, for I will never Manifest Myself in man

My dearly beloved daughter, one of the most confusing times will emerge shortly, when, not only will those who claim to come in My Name be false, but there will be those who will claim to be Me. My children must understand this. I came the first time as man to save mankind from sin. This time I will come to Judge. While many will come face-to-face with Me during The Warning, I will not come the second time until Judgment Day.
Any man who claims to be Me is a liar. Such souls, and there are many of them, My daughter, do not mean harm. So deluded are they that the deceiver convinces such people that they not only have Divine powers, but that they are the Son of God Incarnate. But this is untrue, for I will never manifest Myself in another human being on this Earth. This could never happen. No man is worthy of such an honour, for this has not been foretold.
Many will now come forward and claim that they are Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. For those poor souls I say this to you. Drop on your knees now and ask God the Father to protect you from the deceiver. He wants to confuse you so that you, in turn, will not only confuse My children who await My return to Earth, but will exacerbate the ridicule extolled by atheists. Not only do you bring shame to My Name, but you are unwittingly turning people against their belief in God the Almighty Father.
I also wish to warn those who claim to perform miracles. Anyone who makes such claims, to hold such powers, will not be from God, for there is only one God and only He or I, His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, can bring about such things. Satan on the other hand also possesses powers. He can create illusions. In the case of miracle cures Satan can bring about, through those so-called faith healers whose powers are sought from the occult, temporary solutions, where miracles, may seem to have been achieved. But they will not last long. Satan will also bring about so-called miracles including visions, seen by many, in the skies. Again they are illusions and not of God.
Children, you are, while trying to show your allegiance to Me, being tempted by the forces of evil every single day. You must only focus on Me and My Eternal Father. And remember, I do not walk on this Earth as a human being. I may be present on Earth in Spirit, but I will never manifest Myself in any man.
Pray for guidance every day and for the discernment to be able distinguish lies from the Truth.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Unite your families to enjoy the New Paradise on Earth

My dearly beloved daughter, when souls are lost they can seem, on the outside, to be full of joy, living life to the fullest. Yet they can be lost to Me and this brings Me great sadness. So many in the world go about their daily lives, full of things to do, so busy that they forget that this Earth is made of clay, that time spent here is so short, those personal belongings all turn into nothing eventually, that people, when they die, turn to clay, yet their souls remain alive and will never die. The soul will continue to exist for eternity.
I Am saying to you now, My children, to unite your families and friends as one, close to My Heart, for when you do you will enjoy the New Paradise on Earth for 1,000 years, still united. This is My promise to you all. Live your lives responsibly. Always put your families before everything also on this Earth. Always place your trust in Me.
Bring your families to Me. If they won’t come willingly, pray to Me and I will give them the encouragement they need. I will always answer prayers which request the saving of souls.
Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Execution, Euthanasia, Abortion and Suicide

My daughter, it is when My children feel love in their hearts that they can be assured that I Am present in their souls. My Love will keep My children strong when they least expect it. This is also true of hardened sinners whose outward shell, hides, very often, a tender heart.
Every single person on Earth is a child created by God the Father. Because of this the Light exists within each person, although it may be very weak when souls are drawn to the darkness. Nevertheless My Light is still present, for without it there would be complete darkness, where they could not function. It is when souls reach a terrible state of darkness that they very often resort to suicide. This is when, because of the weakness of soul and spirit that Satan steals their souls by convincing them to end their lives. Many of My followers do not understand the state that such darkness can have on a soul, so they must pray hard for these children who are in this state of despair.
God, My Eternal Father is ever-Merciful and will always help these souls, many of whom are suffering to such an extent that their minds cannot function in the full state of reason. A mortal sin can only be committed when a person, in their full mental capacity, has clear intentions, when he or she knows that what they are doing is wrong. So please do not assume that such souls are completely lost, for many do not know what they are doing.
Be aware that euthanasia is frowned upon by My Father and is not tolerated, for no man can knowingly take the life of another. No reason can be put forward to justify this in the Name of My Father. Tolerance may be presented along with the argument for humane treatment to justify this deed, but no man, except the Father Almighty can decide on the date of death, for it is not man’s right. He will never be given the authority to commit this mortal sin.
Every excuse is offered by man, when taking the life of another, yet, none of them will be accepted as being right, in any circumstances. This applies to execution, the sin of abortion and euthanasia. Sit up now, all of you, and remember you will be judged harshly should you break the most Sacred of all My Father’s Commandments – Thou Shalt Not Kill. Remember there is only one God and only He can decide when life is to be taken. Break this Commandment in the full knowledge as to what you are doing and you will suffer the torment of Hell for eternity.
Please, I implore you, do not cave in to the pressures of Satan, who constantly encourages the taking of life so that he can steal souls who otherwise would be destined for My Father’s GloriousKingdom.
Your Divine Saviour
Teacher and Redeemer, Jesus Christ

My Messages will bring tears of conversion

My dearly beloved daughter, you must never forget that those who speak in My Name will be mocked, laughed at and made to look foolish. This is the cross I speak of. Never be disillusioned when this happens.
Many now challenge My Sacred Word. Some take the form of genuine questions, which stem from a love for Me, while others are designed to make My Word seem foolish and a nonsense. My children must accept that I will now increase My communications to you all because of the lack of time. No matter that My Word is challenged, instead be joyful, for you know that it is when I communicate to My children in this way that obstacles will present themselves. This is when you will know that it is I. If when reading My Messages My children feel tears, then they will know that these are the tears of conversion – a Gift to each and every one of you through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Many of My children feel confused because when My Word is given to the world in this way I can upset their normal routine. My Word will not bring happiness to every soul, because sometimes the Truth can be frightening. If they will first sit down and allow My peace to flood their souls by submitting themselves to My Holy Will, they will experience true contentment. Trust in Me, children. Do not block Me out. Listen carefully to what I say and I will take you on My journey to everlasting salvation.
Remember, God the Father is now in charge of His Kingdom, which no man can tumble. Any attempt to do so will result in failure. As sinners continue to insult Me and My Eternal Father, His Hand will be ready to fall quickly. Because of The Warning, He will hold back until conversion has been achieved. Meanwhile, all those who do not accept the Truth, you must know that you have little time now to prepare your souls.
Pray for each and every one of you so that souls can be saved.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ
King of Mankind

Call on high-profile personalities to spread My Word

My dearly beloved daughter, when you turn your back on Me, afterwards you will find it difficult to find Me again. I realize that you believe I make difficult demands of you, but My Word, to be imparted to the world, is of such urgency that you must obey Me as I have requested you. Remember, you surrendered your free will to Me, My daughter, which was a wonderful gift. To honour that gift is not easy for you, because you are only human after all. I now call on you once again to hear My call and to spend more time in My Company. I need you to feel My Love, not just the Love that I have for you, but that I hold for every single child of Mine on this Earth.
I want My followers to spread My Word of peace and harmony all over the world. They must volunteer everywhere to remind every one of the need to promote My Messages of Love. Please ask singers, the media, personalities or anyone whose voice is listened to and respected, to hear My pleas. Take up My Chalice of Love. Drink from it, for it will bring you the salvation you crave, not only in this world, but in the next life. Share this with your own followers.
How you do this is up to you, for those who respond to My call will be given the Gift of the graces needed to do this most Sacred Work. Children remember this. The more of you who rise now to spread My Most Holy Word and tell everyone the Truth, the easier it will be for My children to pass through the Great Chastisement, as well as the persecution being planned by the New World Order.
My Message to mankind must be listened to, assessed and action then taken to remind all that they must open their minds to accept the Existence of God the Almighty Father, the Holy, Mighty One, for when they do peace will reign again.
For the sake of the Sacrifice I made for you all through My death on the Cross, hear My call and do whatever you can to let everyone you know understand, that I Am communicating to the world just as was done by My Father through the prophets before My time on Earth. Be strong. Be brave. Pray to Me for guidance during your crusade on behalf of Me and My Eternal Father.
Jesus Christ
King of Mankind
Saviour and Redeemer

Do not be frightened, conversion will create a great sense of love and peace

My dearly beloved daughter, for many of My children who are frightened by My Messages and find them hard to face up to, then please listen to Me now. The evil that is escalating in the world is by the hand of mankind through sin. This cannot continue. Please do not fear, for it will not change the plans now underway by the evil One World Group. You, My children, need to be made aware of what is happening. It is important that everyone is warned about the actions of this Group and their sinister plans which they have created to control you.
Please welcome The Warning 
My Warning, the great Act of Mercy, is such a great Gift of Love, so please welcome it, for it will result in much conversion. Conversion will be so widespread that it will create a great sense of love and peace when My children have been humbled by this Great Event. Then there will be strength in their numbers. The more people who believe in the Truth, the weaker then will be the impact of the New World Group. Prayer and much of it can avert much of the damage they will attempt to inflict. So please never forget to pray the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy, for both combined will help wipe out much of this pending evil. Go now do not fear. Look with enthusiasm for a new beginning, a new peace where evil will be stamped out for good.
That is My promise to you, children.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Let My sacred servants know the content of them, so they can prepare their flock

My dearly beloved daughter, just as you forge ahead, confident in your discernment of My Messages, you then stop and feel the torment of doubts. These doubts, at this stage of My communication may puzzle you. For every step backwards you take this is a test of your faith, My daughter. For no man can assume that they will always be worthy of Me. Accept this suffering, My daughter, for these trials will always assail you in this Work. Trust in Me and surrender your free will on a continuous basis to help you become stronger in this Work.
My daughter, there are, at this time, a number of visionaries with whom I communicate, with the help of My Blessed Mother, Michael the Archangel and the Holy Trinity, but they are fewer than you think. Some of the apostles will be hidden from view, their work known only to the saints in Heaven. Then there are those who the world will eventually recognize as My messengers. You are one of these. It will not be an easy Mission, My daughter, so that is why I Am allowing you to suffer setbacks, trials and errors. It is only when you get used to these episodes that you will continue to become stronger and stronger, until eventually, you will not care one way or the other what others think of you. You are walking with Me every step of this Mission and you must never forget that.
It is important you ensure that as many poor souls as possible are given the Truth of My Word. You must let My sacred servants know the content of them so they can prepare their flock before The Warning. It is not important whether the Church authenticates these Messages, because time is not on their side. They, My sacred servants, will take many, many years to accept My Messages, so just keep going.
You, My daughter, will make many enemies in My Name. This is something you will have to accept, so do not allow those obstacles to stand in your way. My Messages are converting thousands of lost souls already. It is vital then that you obey Me at all times, so that more souls can be saved.
I realise that this Work is lonely and frightening for you, but remember, I only pick those with an open heart who are strong enough to impart My Word. In turn the strength you will find will help fast track these Messages to a wider audience. So please never feel downhearted. For, while you strive to feel joy in your heart, when carrying My Cross, this is rarely the case. You will suffer always in My Name and will find it will take time before the full force of joy will be experienced. Your suffering is saving millions of souls so you must be thankful for this. All the saints are working on this side to keep you strong and to protect you from Satan, who will do everything he can to stop you. But he will never achieve that because theHand of My Father will strike down on those who attempt to sabotage My Work to save as many souls as I can through you. Lean on Me and I will propel this Work, so that My Messages will be heard by millions, believers and non-believers in every corner of the globe.
Your beloved Teacher
Saviour of Mankind, Jesus Christ

Eternal Father will prevent New World Order from final persecution of His Children

My dearly beloved daughter, I realize that this Work is taking its toll on you and that you need to rest for another week, but listen to what I have to say.
Tell My children to wake up now and see the turmoil in the world, where financial crises abound. Tell them that while people’s greed was partly responsible for plunging them into debt, that the banking crisis was deliberately planned by the One World Order.
Many reading this Message will smile and question this fact, but they should also know that unless they stand up and defend their rights, they will be forced to accept the mark of the beast to access their money.
New World Currency will be presented to an incredulous world
The New One World Currency, which will be presented to an incredulous community, is designed to control you. Then once that happens they will try to deprive you of food. Unless My children accept this reality now they will be defenceless when they are under the control of a New World Order, led by masonic forces. Prepare now, My children, because although The Warning will convert millions, including those loyal to the One World Order, it will not be enough to stop these evil slaves of Satan and the antichrist. Without control of your money, you will find it hard to defend your right to property, food and health, the three things which they will be in charge of, if you do not start shouting your opposition now. Stop your leaders in their tracks. Don’t let them bully you. If enough of you are alert to this evil, monstrous plan, then you can warn others.
Plan your food supplies now
Plan your food supplies now. Grow and buy seeds that will keep you alive. Buy silver coins or gold, so that you can buy what is necessary. Most importantly find locations where, as a group, you can meet to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. For in time, your churches will be burned to the ground.
Satan’s minions are like ants, they multiply in their thousands
Never accept the mark, the chip of the beast. Pray, pray that your home will be given the special blessings to safeguard you from the army, which will try to put you out of your home. Satan’s minions are like ants. They multiply in their thousands by the hour. You, My children, must pray now and fight this series of atrocities being planned by the New World Order, who salivate at the prospect of controlling the world. Plan to have blessed candles in your home. Stock up now for they will keep you in the light of protection. Unless you wish to become a slave to this hideous doctrine then you must plan now.
Buy gas stoves, blankets, dried and tinned food, water purification tablets and candles, along with religious images to sustain you and your families during the Great Chastisement, which will follow the Warning.
Prayers are already diluting the impact of the Great Chastisement, but you, My children, must be alert at all times. By being careful in your preparations you will be able to survive the great bombardment being orchestrated, which will be worse thanwhat happened to the Jews, under the reign of Satan’s disciple – Hitler.
Heed this warning calmly. For by preparing in advance you will spare yourselves from the indignation being planned by the New World Order. For those of you who are involved with the New World Order, hear Me now. Repent. Heed The Warning for what it offers you – a chance to turn your back on Satan and the flames of Hell.
Advice for servants of the Church
For My sacred servants this is what I must inform you. Fix your eyes on Me now and pray to The Holy Spirit to keep you on your toes, so that you will recognize the false prophet as soon as he shows himself within your midst. Then you need to gather in groups to ensure that My children will be able to receive the Most Holy Eucharist during the persecution.
My Father’s Hand is ready to fall now, with great force, on those wicked, arrogant leaders of banks, Western and Eastern powers who plan in secret how they aim to control all of you. My Eternal Father will destroy everything in their wake to prevent them from the final persecution they are planning against His children.He won’t stand for it. Remember, children, God the Eternal Father wants to protect you all. His patience has finally run out. He will, up to the very last minute, accept those who turn to Him for forgiveness. However, He now has to stop those evil regimes from the horror they inflict on the rest of His Creation.
It is because of the love of His children He does this. For those who say God the Father, cannot be angry for He loves all know this. Yes, He is angry and His Anger is justified because of the evil injustice, which is being perpetrated on His precious family. Once again He will unite all His children to live in peace, finally, for all of eternity.
Remember, children, to see the signs all around you, the multitude of wars, lack of money, lack of food, lack of healthcare and accept that this is the work of the evil one. It is not the work of God the Eternal Father. He will no longer accept this behaviour. Be thankful He is taking action, for if He did not His Creation would be destroyed. And He will not allow that to happen.
Your beloved Jesus
Saviour of Mankind, Redeemer of the World

Narcissism – an evil epidemic present in the world today

My dearly beloved daughter, I want the world to know that My Love for them infuses My entire Being, as I prepare for the Great Warning. I Am full of joy because I know that My children, especially those who do not know Me, will finally accept that I Exist, during My great Act of Mercy.
One of the most disturbing traits, which have infested My children, is that of narcissism, self-love, in this world. This evil epidemic is prevalent in every level of society and is one of Satan’s favourite attacks as his demons enter the souls of My children everywhere. They can be seen preening and posturing so that others will adore them. Their first love is for themselves only, and then when that’s not enough, they crave the attention of those around them to encourage them to openly adore them.
Today Satan’s infestation is so great in the way in which these poor souls present themselves, it is difficult to ignore. Their obsessiveness, as to how they look, means that they will even go as far as damaging their bodies and do whatever is necessary to satisfy their love-of-self.
When Satan is present in such souls, it is easy to spot. These people will be full of vanity and will tend to be seen in places of influence. The sin of narcissism will intensify during the end times, where many will ensure that their looks, their well-being and selfishness will be at the expense of their friends and even their own families. Love-of-self is considered an admirable trait in today’s world. This pursuit of self-gain can never be satisfied, because Satan will ensure that these people will strive for more and more.
Children, the sin of pride is one which is intensifying in the world now. Do not accept this form of behaviour as part of your day-to-day life. So many young people use these figures of so-called physical perfection as a goal to aim for. Yet their demeanour is to be pitied if you open your eyes and see it for what it is. It is a breach of the First Commandment and should such people persist on this pathway, they will be pulled by the deceiver into further disarray.
Narcissism is seen in all areas of life, including politics, fashion, the media, cinema, and even within My Own Church. Humility cannot be achieved if you suffer from narcissism. Without humility you cannot enter My Father’s Kingdom.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Importance of Sacraments – Marriage and First Holy Communion

My dearly beloved daughter, watch now as the faith of My children begins to grow and blossom. While there is much darkness in the world the light of My followers becomes brighter by the day because of the Flame of the Holy Spirit, which has descended over the whole world.
Today, My daughter, I wish to remind all of My followers of the importance of prayer to ease suffering in the world. Your prayers are now helping to avert many global disasters foretold. Prayer is the most powerful mitigation and when said on behalf of others, they will be answered.
While I Am happy with those of strong faith; I Am still fearful for those who are adverse to My Divine Light, the Truth. Many people now wander around the world as if in a stupor. Nothing brings them peace. Nothing brings them joy. No amount of material comfort eases their pain. Their empty souls are lost. Please pray for them.
My daughter, please pray for My Vicar, Pope Benedict, for he is surrounded by masonic forces who are now making every effort to dethrone him, these evil forces have been infiltrating My Church since Vatican II and have diluted My Teachings. Many laws were passed which offend Me, especially the presentation of My Holy Eucharist by lay people. The lack of respect shown to Me and My Eternal Father, through new laws introduced to facilitate modern society has made Me cry with sadness.
The Most Holy Eucharist must be received on the tongue and not soiled by human hands. Yet this is precisely what My sacred servants have done. These laws were not passed by Me in Spirit. My sacred servants have been led down a path not in line with the Teachings of My apostles. Today My Sacraments are not taken very seriously, especially those who seek the Sacraments of Matrimony and the First Holy Communion.
The Vow of Matrimony is very serious, for remember it is a Sacrament and is made in the Presence of God the Father, yet for many it all about materialism and the exterior trappings. Many who receive the Sacrament of Matrimony do not acknowledge its importance thereafter. Many break their vows so easily. Why do they do this? Why pay lip service to this most holy union only to part soon afterwards? This is a mockery of one of the most important unions blessed by the Hand of My Eternal Father. Many people do not pay any heed of My Father’s Will that no man shall pull asunder such a union thereafter, yet many people divorce, which is a law not recognized by My Father. Divorce is an easy way to run from your responsibilities.All marriages are made in Heaven. No man can destroy a marriage without offending My Father.
First Holy Communion
Receiving My Body in the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time is another example as to how I Am mocked. So many parents pay no heed to the importance of their children receiving the Bread of Life. They are more concerned as to how well-dressed their children are, rather than the wonderful Gift they are receiving. This Gift will lead them to salvation. Yet the materialism, which surrounds the event, has nothing to do with their souls. For Me the saddest part is that these little children are not being told about Me. The Love I have for little children is all-encompassing. When they receive the Holy Eucharist, in the full knowledge as to what they are receiving, then their souls become pure. The more they receive Me in this way, the stronger will their faith be.
Remember, without the Sacraments, your faith becomes weak. After a time, if your soul is bereft of My special blessings, it becomes dormant. All faith in Me and My Eternal Father disappears in time with only a tiny flicker of recognition flaring up from time to time. Return to Me through the Sacraments. Show respect for the Sacraments in the way you are supposed to and you will truly feel My Presence again.
Remember, the Sacraments are there for a reason, for they are the nutrients you need for eternal life of the soul. Without them your soul will die.
I love you all. Please embrace Me properly, by respecting the Sacraments given to you as a Gift from God the Almighty Father.
Your loving Saviour
King of Mankind, Jesus Christ

For My Followers who denounce these Messages

My dearly beloved daughter, today is a special day, for it pleases Me to tell you that those whose faith has been strengthened by My Messages can be assured that their daily recital of the Divine Mercy is saving souls. My children must never forget that prayers, when said with sincerity and from the heart, will always be heard. Prayers are always listened to and any special intentions are fulfilled according to My Most Holy Will.
Children please continue with your prayers because they will help ease the period of the Great Chastisement. My Father is now ready to take over His Holy Kingdomand commence His Reign once again when the New Paradise on Earth emerges. The evil in the world right now has never been so intense. Because of the huge world population and the works of the evil one, war is everywhere. The hatred shown by man-to-man is palpable. Whether this hatred is manifested as political greed, or control over other countries by another, it is all the same. Satan has many followers. They, his followers, in many instances are not aware as to how he influences every thought and deed at all times during any one day.
If My children could only see the amount of demons present in such men they would be sickened. They possess many of My children, the only visible signs being through their evil deeds. Pray, pray now, My followers, that those poor, lost souls can be saved during The Warning.
Between now and The Warning all I ask of you, children, are your prayers and especially the recital of The Divine MercyMy Father will save souls if you dedicate yourselves to saying this once a day, preferably at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
For those of My followers who denounce these Messages, I implore of you to pray to the Holy Spirit to ask for the Gift of discernment before you dismiss My Holy Word. To those of you who insult My visionary and recipient of these Messages you must ask this question. If it is Satan who you believe influences these Messages then why would he ask you to pray, to seek forgiveness, to receive the Holy Eucharist? Then you will know that this is impossible.
The deceiver will influence My followers firstly, to encourage them to deny My Word because he knows that it will be their rejection of My Most Holy Words of Love that will hurt Me most.
Reject Satan and his wicked ways now. Turn to Me. I implore you, for you must not allow him to influence you in this way. Your prayers are needed now to save My poor children who will not survive The Warning.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Atheists and scientists will say that The Warning was an illusion

My dearly beloved daughter, you must move forward, look straight ahead and follow My instructions. Do not turn to the side when you are being assailed by the evil one every minute of the day. Focus on Me only. You must learn to understand that time spent in My company, especially at Adoration, is essential if you are to keep on top of this Mission. The length of time spent in prayer is also important because the longer you spend in close communication with Me, the more graces you will receive. Failure to do so will mean that you are leaving yourself wide open to attacks from the deceiver.
My Word, My daughter, is being ignored by many who do not want to listen. There are many reasons for this. Many of My children today have closed their eyes to the Truth of their spiritual existence. They embrace the world and all it offers as a substitute for the Bread of Life. Many are also wary of false prophets, for this is the age in which false prophets will emerge everywhere. This is the confusion that Satan wants to cause so that those genuine messengers of mine go unnoticed. Because of the humility required by My chosen visionaries, they cannot exalt themselves in the eyes of the world, for it is not in their nature. The false visionaries will push themselves into the limelight. Their focus will be centred on themselves. Their messages may seem authentic and full of flowery language, featuring extracts from the Holy Bible, where it suits, but there will be two key aspects to their messages that will expose them for the untruths they impart. The first, is that they will be central to the messages and will enjoy all of the attention they receive. Then finally you have the messages themselves. They will be confusing, hard to read and will not leave a lasting impression on the soul. Sadly, My daughter, the Church tends to ignore the authentic seers because they must show responsibility in these matters.
It is, therefore, far easier for My Church to support those messages, which include extracts from the Holy Bible, to declare these to be authentic. Not so easy is it for them to accept the simplicity of My Teachings, especially when today much of the Truth hides behind the mask of tolerance. Not easily accepted either, is the reminder of the end times, when through fear and ignorance, those sacred servants of Mine refuse to take up My Cup and act responsibly.
This is the most important time in the history of the world. All the signs have been given to My visionaries throughout the last century, yet they are ignored and shoved aside as they bury their heads in the sand. It is precisely at this time that My sacred servants must preach about the importance of My return to Earth. They must prepare souls by reminding them of the consequences of failing to redeem themselves while they are still on this Earth, for they cannot ask for forgiveness after death. I call on My sacred servants now. Why won’t you emphasize this to your flock? Why do you not actively discuss the repercussions for My children during the Great Chastisement? Don’t you know that many of My children will lose their souls to the antichrist, who is already here on this Earth, ready to spring as he waits in the wings? My children must understand that The Warning, while a great Act of Mercy, is only the first phase in what will be a very difficult and challenging time for all My children. For after that those hardened sinners and followers of Satan will deny My Existence.
Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation, but there won’t be one. Meanwhile, My followers will be torn in two. Many millions will have converted, but they will be confused by the lies spread by the evil group, the one world deadly organization whose goal is to destroy the little people for their own financial gain.
Children, if enough people cannot stay on the true path then it will not be possible to avert the impact of the chastisement. For this is when God the Father will move to stop sinners from destroying His Creation and His children. He will unleash earthquakes on a magnitude never experienced before; volcanoes in the most unlikely places and the Earth will be tossed like a ship in rough waters with no anchor to hold it in one place.
Please, children, allow The Warning to save you all. Accept that this miracle will help save millions, who otherwise, would have been lost. But for those who do not want to change their lives, they will choose the house of Satan. Without prayer there is no hope for them, for they will forfeit the keys of the New Paradise on Earth. Instead, they will burn in the fires of Hell. If they knew where this the evil path is leading them do you think they would change their ways? Children, please help them by telling them the Truth. Pray to save their souls if they won’t listen, for that is all you can do.
Your beloved Saviour
Just Judge and King of Mercy, Jesus Christ

Battle which Satan is mounting to discredit these Messages is intensifying

My beloved daughter, this period is going to be difficult for you as the Messages infiltrate the world. More people will attack these Messages and when they do, ignore them.
My Holy Word is being spread as I have said. Now I want to proclaim the main points of My Messages even further. You already know how to do this, so begin today. What I Am asking of you is challenging, but you will be given further help to do this.
Meanwhile, you will need others to pray for you, because the battle which Satan is mounting to discredit these Messages is intensifying. You must pray for protection against the hurt he will inflict on you through others. Accept that this series of trials are essential in keeping you in a state of humility. Know that you are My Voice to the world. Promote My Voice and do it as soon as you can.
I love you, My daughter. Lean on Me completely and I will carry you through this.
Your loving Saviour
Jesus Christ

Prayer can avert disharmony in the world

My dearly beloved daughter, prayer and devotion to Me is like water given to a thirsty man. When you lack water your thirst will continue so that eventually without water you will die. For those who know Me, love Me and show devotion to Me, you must understand one thing. If you do not continue to receive My Body and pray to Me regularly, you will very quickly lose your desire for Me. Without this desire you will distance yourselves from Me, until your heads will be turned by the temptation of sin planted in your minds by Satan. Without Me, Truly Present in your lives, you are nothing, My children.
Be on your guard at all times. Prayer protects you from sin. Your devotion to Me may attract the deceiver, who will taunt you more often. However, without regular devotion to Me, you will walk aimlessly in this world.
Believers understand that prayer can avert much disharmony in the world. Already, prayers said through this visionary and other seers, has eased the immediate dangers facing Pope Benedict, but not for too long. Prayer to My Blessed Mother can move mountains, dilute the impact of evil atrocities, including those foretold and convert sinners.
Remember this lesson, My daughter, prayer acts as your armour against the deceiver. You, most of all, must learn the necessity of regular prayer in your Mission. You need to spend more time in silent reflection with Me. For when you do not do this your discernment of My Messages becomes weakened and errors can occur. Be careful, My daughter, when referring to dates of the prophecies given to you. If I say months that could be anytime within a year. Never confuse human interpretation with those of the timelines given to you by Me. I have not given you any specific dates for events only guidelines. These prophecies will take place, but only by the Hand of My Eternal Father. Trust in Me more. Your prayers and those of My followers can help delay, or in some cases, avert disasters. Always remember that.
Pray, Pray, Pray. For when you do this from the heart, your prayers are heard. Pray especially for those world leaders whose lives will be ended soon through hateful evil acts. They and those with hardened hearts, guilty of the crime of inhumanity, need your prayers most of all. Always pray for sinners because I love all My children and I need your prayers to save them from the fires of Hell.
Your Ever-Merciful Jesus Christ

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